Saturday, November 22, 2014

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by Steve Aoki (@steveaoki) on


  1. And the Love Boar (typo and it stays) has ended. Bingeing on Hello Ladies. Looks innresting.

    1. I'm watching a Golden Girls marathon but the commercials are starting to annoy me. I think it's time to pop Will & Grace in the DVD player and pour another mimosa!

  2. LOL @ Kat!!

    @Sherry - I LOVE Stephen Merchant. He's great. I think you'll really like Hello Ladies - he is so awkward and uncomfortable

  3. Rose never did watch those. Sure they'd need to certify me then.

    Teresa,I love Stephen too. He's so precious in this and I imagine this series totally captures the zeitgeist of Hell La. So glad/sorry I never tried that for my acting career. The end music has been a winner so far. Gerry Rafferty one epi and Roxy Music another. Awesome!
