Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pamela Anderson Talks Beauty and Modeling

Pamela Anderson recently sat down for an interview with Parade Magazine. She talked about beauty and aging in Hollywood. Anderson is quoted by Parade as stating:

"I’ve never felt pretty enough to be a model. I think I’ve provoked feelings with how I look. But not as a beauty, but as a mischievous little rascal! My mom always told me beauty comes from within. And I know that’s maybe a cliché, but I do believe that. And I think that’s what lasts forever. I don’t feel like I want to chase youth, I want to get old. I want to experience all the seasons of life. I don’t want to be afraid of it."

Read the full interview with Anderson at Parade Magazine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay Pammy, you little rascal you.

  3. Pam routinely changes cup size.... he says with some conviction. Before the Kid Rock fiasco, she went down in size to a less voluptuous rack. By the time she married in a bikini she had grabbed two new fun bags and shoved them in.

    I'm surprised there isn't a photo montage out there. D. DD. C. DD. D.

    Si, implante non e naturale!

  4. I had spent quite some time with her several years ago. She is the saddest woman I've ever come across. The only feeling I can give her is pity.

    I won't tell her secrets, but I remember being really shocked and saddened by some of the things that occurred while I knew her.

    1. Maybe that's why she's embracing getting older,because of traumas in her youth.I love Pammy and feel her trashy persona is a safeguard

    2. CoBe, my curiosity is aroused. How do you mean exactly? Do you mean that she is sad, like really depressed? Or sad, like pathetic?

  5. @tickle--I sure hope that she can settle into old age gracefully. Isn't she married to some creep now though? Or is that over?

    I don't really keep up with her, but I do hope she finds some peace.

  6. For someone who believes beauty is from within (and she is correct about that), she's spent a lot of time sprucing up the outside to an unnatural facade.
    Sad to hear that CoBe and bravo to you for keeping her secrets - although I'd love to hear some of them of course!

  7. "You got these from Parade Magazine? You read Parade Magazine!”

    1. "Who reads Parade Magazine?!"

      Ha ha love Stewie.

    2. They have not carried Parade Magazine here in Laramie paper in while or us weekly.

  8. Pam is just another small town girl who got chewed up by the Hollywood/fame machine.

    1. Okay read the article and sounds like she got chewed up before she left that small town.

  9. She does have a sweetness and sadness about her, and an unhappiness. And kudoes to Cobe for not betraying a confidence.

  10. Perhaps she should've used the implant $ for acting lessons..or a shrink. When you only present yourself in one way, you can't fault people for believing it.

  11. I love her. I always have and always will. I love her strength and vulnerability. We all know she puts on a front but she let's people see behind it too. I like that she doesn't pretend to be perfect.

  12. It makes me sad when I look at all these women who used to be beautiful when they were younger and because they're in Hollywood they think that's the only thing they ever have/had to offer anyone, their youth and beauty. No matter what Pam says, she falls into that category as far as I can see. So many women brainwashed into believing such shit.

  13. She's so damaged within, those insecurities, low self worth seem to have manifested in her need to overcompensate w surgery and altering how she looks. Not to mention the destructive relationships she enters. She gives me the mega sads.
