Friday, January 30, 2015

Free Skate

A post to discuss your nightly TV shows.


  1. I'm all about watching Shark Tank on this super cold and windy Friday night. Whenever I see Donatella these days, all I can think about is this:

  2. I just started season 4 of Big Love. They really nail the mormon culture perfectly in the show.

    1. @Seachica I love Big Love! I had to start watching Sister Wives when it ended to get my weekly polygamist morman fix :)

    2. What I want to know is how that guy can afford all those houses and kids if the wives ain't , is Utah a cheap place to live? And wow he really isn't a prize worth sharing with other women.

    3. wives ain't working oh I wish blogger had an edit function, the only good thing about Disqus

    4. @Tina They live in Vegas now, four houses next to eachother in a cul de sac. Very Big Love! LOL And now Kody and all four of the wives work (I think Christine was the only one who didn't work at all in Utah; after the move they all had to pitch in)

    5. Tina, read Krakauer's Under The Banner of Heaven to see how they do it. Basically they hate the US Government but not so much to get assistance. They depend heavily on the welfare system and paint themselves as single mothers in a lot of cases. Very hypocritical if you ask me.

    6. Thanks VIP I only watch bits and pieces and that's the one thing that confused me. But I thought the whole Mormon thing was a mother stays home and raises her children.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Um. I have to say first hand I've never seen a polygamist use food stamps or have Medicaid. They are very wealthy. How are they wealthy? Well they run everything like a co-op. They own land, they grow their own food, they sell the rest, they pay for education and then in turn have their own teachers and drs without having to really pay for any other services. Most of them don't force marriage on 14 year olds either. So many misconceptions. Sister wives is more of an accurate portrayal then big love is. Big love has the story line of a warren Jeffs type. Those peeps actually live in Arizona and Colorado and Texas. I worked with some polygamists kids when I was a special education aid in a private school. Gasp, yes they let their kids go to school and play sports! They also don't make them all enter into multiple marriages. The lowdown I got from her, was pretty much they were all self sufficient, one of her uncles owned a saw mill, the other a construction company, a uncle owned a string of grocery stores, so on and so forth so they employ each other and keep the money in the family and expand the empire. Two of the families where I live actually owned coal mines. So yeah. No welfare scamming around here. But alas all Mormons are not polygamists and technically aren't even the same religion! I'm 99% sure they invented Pinterest though. They are so crafty and stepforded, I'm a little jealous I didn't grow up like that. Because the struggle is real, and if I get one more home made super cute over the top invitation from preschool I might cry into a bottle of wine that I can drink and they can't. Or drink a coke, because they can't have caffeine either. End rant. Lol

    9. That is your experience in your town... and at your employment at a private school. Of course there is going to be wealth in the families that can afford to send their children to private schools. However, the welfare fraud aspect of these Mormon polygamist marriages is well documented, regardless of the state. Same thing in Christian polygamist marriages.

  3. Just watched the series finale of Parenthood and I'm wondering how Peter Krause got yet another series with a wonderful ending. There were a few cliches, but overall, it was pretty damn good.

    Season 3 of The Good Wife and Alicia and Will together made so much more sense than Alicia and Peter. Also, her mother-in-law is an outstanding b*.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here in Seattle (Go Seahawks!) we're all slowly losing our minds like kids at 8pm on Christmas eve. You could run a new season worth of GoT episodes and we wouldn't give a rip.

    So I'm kicking it THE RAMONES I wanna be SEDATED

    1. Hi Gweeds! Have you seen the season 5 trailer yet for GoT? It's pretty amazing. Go Seahawks!! :)

    2. Gweeds, we are totally related. Ramones and this song are my favorite!!

    3. Sherry, now I'm scared! Dolphin, Xmas eve for GoT is a ways off... don't want to peak early or read spoilers. #TeamArya

  6. I'm watching the original Die Hard and brother, was this ever pre- 9/11 dialog. Bruce Willis is yelling about terrorists taking over the Nakatomi bldg. and the operator is all - Sir! This is an emergency line we need to keep it open. My my how things change.

  7. I loved the Parenthood finale. They gave fans exactly what we wanted with a glimpse into the future. I know some people thought the series was formulaic and cheesy and to them I say stick to cable. I'm going to miss that show.

    Just heard Downton Abbey is ending after season six. Sigh....

    I can't get enough of the Goldbergs. It's one of the funniest sitcoms with the best casts. Same with Brooklyn 99.

    Also heard the Peter character is leaving from the Mindy Project. I like him.

    Does anyone watch Marry Me? Casey Wilson used to annoy me so much I never watched anything she was in but this one I watch. It's funny.

    1. I love The Goldbergs too. Lots of childhood nostalgia, and I think the cast is great!

    2. Downton not necessarily a done deal:

  8. I'm watching the white queen on Amazon. I read the books and enjoyed them. Whether it's historically accurate or not, still one of the most interesting times in English history.

    1. Is that the War of Roses? Then yes,historically fascinating.

      Shakespeare wrote more history plays than either tragedies or comedies. And most of the histories are on the War of Roses. It's been gold for writers for centuries. #GoTborrowsfreely

    2. Yes the war of the roses! It's an insane period in time. The rise and fall of the English, Irish, French, and Scottish monarchy's and how they all tied together. It's crazy. And yes got's borrows very liberally from it. Jon Snow must be Henry Tudor! And clearly the brotherhood without banners is Robin Hood. Good stuff.

  9. Boy oh boy, that Donatella is one unfortunate looking woman.

    1. she reminds me of Janice from the Muppets. $5 sez Donatella has felt where her heart should be!

  10. Just got started on DVRd stuff. Sometimes li go through the list and wonder what I was thinking? Just started a Project Runway from two weeks ago.

    Sad to hear about Downton ending, but all good things....

    Happy weekend everyone and I hope your team wins Sunday and my numbers hit on at least one pool.
