Thursday, February 19, 2015

What's Going On With Tom DeLonge?

Last month, Tom DeLonge quit Blink-182, then denied quitting. Now he's sitting down with Paper Magazine to talk about his passionate belief in aliens, and how the government is tapping his phones. DeLonge has read over 200 books about aliens, and talks about his own alien encounter. He also talks about what the government did to his fellow alien researcher:

"(he) was being awoken in the middle of the night with clicking and buzzing noises and falling on the ground vomiting, every morning at 4 a.m. I know now that those are artifacts from mind-control experiments, where the same technology that we use to find oil underground, we can zap somebody at the same frequency that the brain operates on, and it can cause some really horrific things to happen."

Read the whole interview at Paper Magazine.


  1. He should get together with Scott Stapff

  2. Those sound like artifacts from a really bad trip. I wonder if he's called Randy Quaid yet.

  3. Robbie Williams also got very into the alien thing for awhile. It seems to be a right of passage for has-been early-aughts pop stars.

  4. If that is where his interest lies, then yay for him. I, however, firmly believe that even if aliens do exist, they are going to avoid us humans at all costs, and we will never lay eyes on them.

    1. I've always wondered why it is that whenever aliens do appear they appear to the stupidest people they can find.

  5. Woah, someone's still having flashbacks or has been on an X Files marathon binge. I dated a guy who was totally into aliens, he always wanted to take vacations out to New Mexico.

  6. Not saying he's wrong but he needs some observation I think. Where is our Blink 182 expert?

  7. Yeah where is @Rose Lizenberg?!?!
    This does not surprise me one bit. We were all worried he relapsed on his opiates. But once that tinhat MK ultra crazy talk starts, you know shit has gotten real. Tom has always been an eccentric little diva though

    I just hung out with a friend of mine who went to school in Poway with him and she told me some funny shit. What a piece of work.

  8. I honestly don't know what to make of it. It's sad, maybe a little alarming. I do know that people who are into alien stuff are REALLY into it. There is no half-interested, passive Alien Hunter lol I'm sure there are aliens out there somewhere and I don't think he's crazy for thinking so. There are literally billions and billions of planets in the whole expanse of outer space. Somewhere, there is another planet with life on it. Simple odds tell me that. But to be so into like Tom is, is kinda weird to me.

  9. Not to go OT here...BUT, I just read the The Book of Strange New Things by Michael Faber about an alien word and a ministers trip there to work with the inhabitants. Very good book, highly recommend.

  10. Pshht! I tried to bring this up yesterday outie!

  11. This is what is going on with Tom Delonge (according to my kid, the biggest Blink /AVA fan in the house): He got a novel, CD, a comic book, a new shoe line coming out, touring, and other accessory art THIS YEAR. So this interview, is jusTom bein' Tom. Manning the merch table via controversial interview.
