Monday, February 16, 2015

SNL 40 - Betty White


  1. And now we see why David Spade no longer has a career. This has been a very instructional reunion. Taylor Swift isn't much of a comic. Betty White has great diction. Do Cooper and Washington have any particular connection to Saturday Night Live?

  2. That was painfully long and I had to stop when Swiftie was pretending she had stock in denture cream. :/

  3. We forwarded through this one, too long.

  4. The only part worth watching was the end when Bradley and Betty made out, other then that, the skit itself wasn't actually funny.

  5. Taylor Swift was awful! I couldn't understand why they spent so much time on this POS. even Betty White couldn't save it! Bradley Cooper looks awful in shorts.

  6. I'm not a fan of "The Californian's" skits anyhow, but this one was painfully bad courtesy of Taylor Swift - she was trying way too hard to pull of an accent (FAIL!) she could barely deliver the lines. We know, you want to be a part of it, but next time maybe she should pop in during a musical number? Thank God Betty was there to save the sketch!

    1. OMG No!!! She can't sing maybe she should stay home.

    2. Mama- i know Califorians is dopey, but it really grew on me and now i love it!!

  7. That's always been the problem with recent skits. They go on too long. I didn't watch beyond Coopers entrance but I will suspect Taylor couldn't get that California vocal fry right. She was horrid in that Valentines Day movie a few years back.

  8. Betty White saw more action with Bradley Cooper than I did with MrSnarky.

    That's a sad state of affairs. (Unintentional pun.)

  9. The one clip that made me laugh out loud was Tracy Morgan as Brian Fellows.
