Monday, February 16, 2015

Naughty Gossip Blind Item - Real Housewife Hygiene Problems

“Real Housewives of Miami” veteran Krupa has slapped “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Brandi Glanville with a lawsuit, after Glanville allegedly accused Krupa of having smelly private parts, but in fact it’s a different HOUSEWIFE that has a hygiene problem.

“All the ladies can smell it. Even the crew have complained about the smell,” a top source tells NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “She has been told about the problem and the fact that she needs to wear knickers many, many times.”

This lady is known for her love of younger man, and partying! – But these days the smell is making everyone run for the hills!

Source: Naughty Gossip



    You got me once with that and it took me six months to cleanse my brain.

  2. If your lady parts smell less than fresh, it may be a medical problem rather than a hygiene problem.

    But, ewwwwwww. With a side of yuck and a serving of that's just nasty. When THE CREW notices it, you really need to have that looked into.

  3. Good lord. How is one not embarrassed beyond measure that people are calling out your stinking crotch. That's just disturbing. I also personally don't' know how the hell it even gets to that. Please lord, don't ever let me be in smelling distance of someone this rancid. Gag!

  4. Replies
    1. Ewww @Lady H! When I was in high school I had a friend that kept a turtle in the basement. I don't think they ever cleaned the tank, it smelled like you were descending into the depths of hell.

  5. Someone left a tampon in or truly you have a big problem and it's medical. Who's that one who was a RHOBH that broke up with the Dr? Didn't she move on to some younger men?

    1. Adrienne Maloof.
      refresh ya'll. . It's a thing

    2. The maloofs Still retain 2% ownership of the Palms in Vegas so they can tell everyone they Own the palms..hmmph.. 2% of a casino that's lost money every year for the last 9 years but hey you gotta be able to say something splashy to get on a tv show right? ??

      No one wants to buy Villa Blanca either

  6. I think they should have a 'real housewives go to the gynecologist' episode..yikes..

  7. (I guess that wasn't a tampon string waving in the wind after all -- it was a Glade stick up)

    1. Put your hands in the air this is a stick up stick up

  8. That's beyond vomit inducing *gags*. You know how you get used to the scent of your perfume and you no longer smell it? Maybe this smelly housewife doesn't know her cooter is stank? :/ So yucky.

  9. Speaking of tank stank: A mentor of mine thought she had an issue in this area. I walked into the office and wondered what that horrid fishy smell was. She sheepishly confessed it might be her but she was seeking help. Next day she had to confess that someone left the lid off the dried shrimp for the fish. (Obviously the office had a tank.). We just laughed our asses off.

  10. Okay, time for the world's most embarrassing admission:

    Many years ago, I was a little sweaty and I asked a friend if I was stinky. To my horror, her answer was "Where".

    Worst. Possible. Answer.

  11. If its true everyone is smelling it, she really needs to do something. That's gross.

  12. They need to fill her work locker full of body cleanser and Summer's Eve.

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  15. Sounds like a bacterial infection! All the douche in the world won't help. GO TO THE DOCTOR!
