Sunday, February 8, 2015

Free Skate

A post to discuss your nightly TV shows.

A photo posted by MELANIE (@melanie_griffith57) on


  1. Walking Dead is back tonight! Do you think another main character will die?

  2. Alright, Better Call Saul tonight!!!!!!! And John Oliver on HBO!!!

  3. Walking Dead and Better Call Saul--so excited for tonight! I just started Broad City last night. I only got through the first episode bc it was late, but THANKS to all of you who suggested it.

    Happy Better Call Saul Day, my loves!!!

    The one thing I demand is that the writers finally reveal the connection between Saul and the Juarez cartel. ***BrBa SPOILERS***
    In BrBa S2E8 "Better Call Saul," we are first introduced to Saul, when Jesse and Walt drag Saul's ass out to the desert. Saul is screaming about whether they were sent by Don Eladio of Juarez, and insisted that "Ignacio" did it...
    No words for my excitement!!!

    1. (Ducks) I never watched BB. I'll give Saul a shot.

      John Oliver has been gone waaaaaaaaaaaay to long.

    2. Sorry for going off topic, LadyH, but you wanted to know what I thought of Amy Poehler's book. I have only one chapter left and I'm putting it off cuz I don't want it to end :( lol IT'S THAT GOOD!! Highly recommend.

    3. Thank you Rose for delivering such wonderful news on this glorious day! I will definitely get a copy!!!

    4. I'm more excited about Better Call Saul than The Walking Dead. I was leery about a spinoff but I think they're gonna do right by it. The reviews are really good so far, thank god.

      Also, omg the pegging episode on Broad City! Love that show!

  5. I didn't realize Better Call Saul was a 2 part opener. Need to clear my calendar tomorrow night!

  6. We've been watching OITNB. After that, I want to catch up on The Walking Dead. By then the new season House of Cards will probably be out. Dammit

  7. Finishing up S2 of The Fall while prepping food for the week. It's too bad most audiences will associate Jamie Dornan with Fifty Shades of Grey. He makes an excellent creepy/sexy foil to Gillian Anderson's inspector.

  8. Did a double take of pic..goldie and melanie with their original faces! The baftas are on tonight..probably will watch and do my nails.

    1. I'm with you, Kelli. Boy, has Melanie's face changed - and not for the better!!!

  9. I binge watched American Horror Story Season 1 and 2, in a week. I liked Season 1 more then Asylum, is the next season worth watching? Are Jessica Lange and Evan Peters still in it?

    1. They r in all seasons. I didn't like Asylum but I loved season three, the witches in NOLA. It put race front and center which made it about something. Nice balance between camp and creepy.

      Season Four Freda show was utterly unmemorable. Only one or two moments worth anything. Sara Paulson, Angela B were wasted beyond the bounds of patience.

    2. Damn auto correct. Season Four isn't about Freda Kahlos miscarry unibrow. Freak Show.

    3. Then I shall begin Season 3! I spin to it, whenever there's a dun, dun dunnnnnn moment or a scary music moment, I turn the tension on my spin bike up lol i'm a freak :/

    4. Gina- I agree with Guido on this even though he broke my heart by not watching BrBa ;(
      Watch Coven, skip Freakshow (unless you really want to see it; the first few eps are alright but then it just goes to shit)

    5. Totally agree QueenAnne Guido. Coven was the best. Strong women and a solid storyline.
      Freak Show was yawn inducing.
      I did the same Gina. The first 3 seasons in two weeks. It's addictive.

    6. Oh, and I just started Breaking Bad this week. Late to the game, I know, but I wanted to give it my full attention.
      Before House of Cards comes back, of course.

    7. IJU Breaking Bad is totally addictive! I got through the entire series in a month.

  10. I sure wish this picture would show. I'd love to see the OG faces on the girls. Think Melanie will go back to Don for "comfort"?

    Watching Saul and fear it conflicts with Downton Abbey. DA has been a bit of a snooze this season. Pretty sure the Opster will vote for Saul if so.

  11. *sigh*. No Banshee banter.... I'm odd min pin out here, because I'm not watching any of these shows mentioned.

    I love the throwback photo of Don, Melanie, Goldie and Kurt though. In the prime of their lives. It would be interesting to get their commentary of that shot.

    1. @MinPin-
      I made a note of what you commented about Banshee so I can read it over later! I can't wait to watch the new episode and banter in a few hours!

  12. How is it that no one has mentioned the Grammys! Red carpet is on now.

  13. I hope Sia wins for something and Beyonce loses.

    1. I'm a Sia fan, but I'd like to see her face when she performs. The back turned/mask on thing is distracting

    2. I've heard she performs like that bc she has really bad stage fright.

  14. Isn't Ed Sheeran Taylor Swifts Bff? That's gotta be weird that he's performing with John Mayer lol

  15. Speaking of Grammy's: holy shit. Annie Lennox can get it!

  16. Katy Perry's dress had too much fabric and made her look prego

    1. Didn't have my glasses on and thought the same thing - Who's the pregnant woman singing now??

  17. Omg Madonna. Ugh and Kanye ugh all of em...anyone actually singing?? Best music so far is the death march that tells them to wrap up their speeches. Ps watching east coast so behind y'all

    MinPinGirlFebruary 7, 2015 at 8:10 PM
    Where is the Banshee Banter people? Watched it last night and thought I'd see some mention. Those damn Redbones have really started something. Lucas is fixing to open a major can of whoop ass on those fuckers next week

    P.S. I'm still waiting for ANYONE to notice that NOLA is "missing". I still say that was one of the most epic fight scenes I've seen in awhile. Guess I'll just wait until someone else pipes up about Lucas Booth and company.
    @MinPin- The Redbones are all fuuuuucked. And poor Nola, they really wrote her under the rug

    @Diane B: I agree. I'm thinking that once Lucas became a possibility of something real, he no longer appealed to the adrenaline/thrill junkie that is Carrie

    *Those tattoos on Bunker are really going to hold him back. Tattoo removal is especially necessary to reform white supremacists. Bunker's story sounds like just under half of the skinheads I've come across, the majority were indoctrinated by their families. Interesting character; he strikes me as ex-military of some sort, he's definitely well trained. Maybe he rolled with some big players back in the day; skinhead gangs are often highly sophisticated and many members have military training.
    *Why the hell don't Banshee cops have satellite phones. Or emergency lights...efficient No one funds these fuckers.
    *Of course Proctor is on the loose again
    *Damn! Hood took his badge!?
    *Nice try with the sacrifice, Billy. Good luck with that.
    *Holy shit, I was wondering how they were going to continue with the barely plausible premise of ex con turned cop, but Siobhan's death just prolonged its shelf life. RIP

    Great chat ladies. I can barely control myself for BCS!!!!

  19. Annie was actually singing - showing all the newbies how it's really done!! GaGa is almost unrecognizable with her new face and isn't Tony Bennett almost 200 years old now???

    1. Sorry I missed Annie she's is incredible...when singers actually had to be able to sing

  20. I'm still playing catch up with ray Donovan.

    Wow. It's just. Wow.

  21. Finally Annie is on now...she's an actual entertainer!!! Omg I'm in love. Please just have her do everyone's performance next year.

    1. Yays, Wigs!!! Glad you agree that Annie was awesome!!!

  22. Thank God for Annie--she showed everyone how it's done!

    Holy crap, Beck got Album of the Year?!?

    OK, Sam Smith just got Song of the Year--he's got how many now, 3?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. On the west coast so I caught the Hozier/Annie Lennox performance on YouTube. She is BOSS!

  23. Sam Smith is really cleaning up tonight.

  24. I liked Siobhan, was super bummed. Nola, ehh, didn't really care. Apparently no one else does either:)
    That police station really des suck! Maybe that's what it really is like in small towns, zero budget means making an old dealership into HQ.
    The swastika guy, I can see someone getting swept up into the brotherhood, and having somewhere they belong, without really have the racism, or hate that fuels the other members.
    On a side note, I love Deva's hair this season. Makes me want a long bob

  25. I concur @ Diane! Treat yourself to that haircut!

  26. Okay. A week late but watched last week's banshee last night. Pour one out for Siobhan and Nola since no one has noticed her dead yet. Mamma proctor, pour some milk out for her too. Do you think Rebecca gets jealous when uncle Kai starts banging the nurse? ? It's going to happen if it didn't already happen in last night's episode. Poor Luke no love can last for him and yeah Carrie only wants what she can't have.
    Will have to get to last night's episode soon.

    Still not watched bcs But will get on it.. way behind on everything. Haven't been to this site most of t h e week. .
