Monday, February 9, 2015

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. Like the 12th day if snow here, which got me to thinking, what if it never stops snowing? What if that really hapoened? How wld we live? Get food? Electricity? Heres what i have so far, we are pretty much buried under ice, we grow food in nurseries and we have endless free power by melting the snow and creating man made dam to get it. We rely on artificial sunlight, but sun does occaisionaly come out, and we have a huge arena with retractable ceiling to expose us to it. Any other ideas? Yup, my mind is jumping, lol

    1. Also, main character is named january snow and there are mysterious forbidden ice caves. And you know our girl cant stay away from them!

    2. Very dystopian Aunt Liddy. I dig it.

    3. I say you get cracking on that novel, Auntie.

    4. Thanks sherry and bee, mr liddy and i fleshed it out over lunch! He kept trying to make then blinds and with transparent skin, and said i they hv to be somewhat physically attracrive and if they are blind, how the hell do i write the book???? " she sensed a bldg near her and thought it might be brown" lol. Anyhoo, it evolved into their down under world made possible the above ground temperate climate settlement above, which their corrupt leaders facilitated. Plus only the so called special could live above ground, they didnt want snow unders living with them. Ripe for all sorts of strife!!

    5. We would come find you liddy <3

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. You could get some Inuit as consultants formerly known as Eskimo though Eskimo is a native word as they been living with snow and cold for centuries. Hope you like seal meat.

    8. Tina- i have my peeps on mostly plant based diet. Didnt even think of indigenous animals!!

  2. Today is my dogs 9th birthday. I think I should stage a photo shoot for her!

  3. I have Nephrologist appt today (bummer), but am going to pick up my reconditioned turntable (yay!)
    Also planning 35th burpday arrangements for Mr Haven (aka Big Red) for Friday 13th, Valentines for 14th, & party to celebrate on Sunday 15th.

  4. It is a long weekend where I first three day weekend since Canadian Thanksgiving in early October. I am loving the extra day off.

  5. Had a weekend away with my girlfriends from high school (c/o 1994, so we've got some serious history!) Haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Kind of nice to have some "Me time" on occasion! Then hubby & I had a lazy Sun afternoon once I got home & watched both Sin City & Sin City 2! Good times! Missed the kiddo's, but they had a blast at their slumber party too!

  6. I am having a really tough day. I think I should just write this whole fucker off as a lost cause and just catch up on Walking Dead. Of course, I am also going to re-watch BCS before leaving my thoughts on it on the Free Skate forum later.

    In honor of the Grammys, here are the 30 of the harshest musician-on-musician disses!

  7. Working my butt off to get caught up on tasks and drum up biz like I should do every day. Gonna set up a mail merge to pester people on s grand scale tomorrow. And laundry. At some point I'll be doing laundry.

  8. I ate a sleeve of Thin mints and started on the Caramel Delites.

    1. @Omar Little I am so jelly!!! Why don't I know anyone with kids in girl scouts?!

    2. there is a girls scout locator app in the play store if you really want to know
      oh and my but is recuperating from surgery.

    3. Get better @sugartitties! I miss you!!!

  9. @VIP-I'm thankful for my co-worker with a GS! I bought 3 boxes because it's for a good cause. ;)

  10. Omar, GS cookie sales are crazy where I live. You can't go to the bank or grocery store without being accosted by a sweet smiling 9 year old girl.

    I swore I would not buy another box, but last Saturday a little girl had the cutest stand set-up in front of her house so I gave my grandson ten bucks to get two boxes. I made him swear that he would not let me have any of his cookies. That didn't work, he can't tell Grammy no.

    Girl Scout cookies are evil, evil I tell you.

    I'd kill for a Do Si Do right now....

  11. I went to a masquerade ball over the weekend. It was so lame. I don't think I can do adult functions until I get a stick surgically implanted in my ass. It was awful. I kept calling it old people prom even though I do realize they are probably pretty close in age to me. Some really young kid, kept following us around so we made the dj play some vanilla ice and dedicated it to the year he was born. He took that the wrong way and thought it was flirtatious I guess. I'm still exhausted from the night so I guess I should just accept those old people are me, and I just need to act like a lady ;)

  12. GS Thin Mints...mmmm.

    I have a cold and I can't taste or smell anything. Not even my young friend's puppy's puppy breath. Still having fun as I "babysit" while she's in class. :)

    1. Meanie, i sympathize, i had the no smell thing for a while but it was great protection from me liddys late night emmissions!!

    2. I had that a few weeks ago..Like Aunt Liddy said there were some benefits to it. BTW AuntLicky, I've been making the Opster take several Beanos before dinner and it's been helping tremendously.

  13. Weird day. It's stormy where I live so I'm doing soup for supper, just trying to decide if it should be Italian Wedding Soup or chicken with wild rice. I'm watching The F Word while I word and Gordon Ramsay thoroughly chewed out these four douchey Eton boys who kept giggling the whole time. It was awesome! He also did a sea bass on the beach and I'm slobbering. OH, and he's raising sheep in this season (it was so sad when he attended his pigs' butchering, I fast forwarded) and they showed the ram banging several ewes in one session. It literally took him about 15 seconds per lady sheep!

  14. Gina- screw everyone who is committing fuckery against my gossip pal! A pox on all your houses!!

  15. I used to be a GS troop leader. Best part of it was the stash of cookies I squirreled away.

  16. Just a regular work day (I hope) and then off to trivia with almost all of my favourite ladies. It's a tough gig getting more than three of us together at a time but there could be FIVE of us tonight.

    1. Jessie..I love trivia night..hope all your girls show up!

    2. Wouldn't that be a fun live blog? I kick butt at Trivial Pursuit thanks to a childhood of Jeopardy. I call myself a font of useless information with a steel trap memory. :b

  17. Thanks Lady H and Auntliddy <3. I've snapped at my 3 people today when the situation I'm pissed at has nothing to do with them and now I feel like a giant asshole for taking it out on them *sigh*

  18. Spent the afternoon tearing up the house and garage looking for my dad's fucking Life Alert wireless box (no dice).

    If ANY of you have elderly parents tell them NOT to waste their hard earned $$ on it. Those fuckers lock you into a 3 year contract and I don't think you could get out of it even if you died. When you FINALLY manage to cancel, if you can't find their effing wireless box, they charge you an additional $300.00. They don't actually NEED the box physically mind you, they just need the damn number off the side!

    Mr. Min Pin asked them - don't you keep that info in your computer with their other billing info? Apparently that is far above the typing skills of the dimwits that work for that company.

    They have so far managed to bilk my parents out of around a couple grand. (I had to stop and take a Valium in the midst of this fuckery because I was so pissed). Anarchists, if you or anyone you know needs something like that, it's cheaper to wear your cell phone on a lanyard around your neck than to buy into their fear inducing advertising. They just prey on the fears of the elderly and then fleece them out of as much $$$ as they can. I hate those fuckers!!!

    End of rant. I need some ice cream!

    1. Dont get me started. Hosoice talked us in to this. After multiple not as promised debacles we shredded the contract.

      Soon to be an orphan....

    2. What a scam! I despise people who prey on the elderly. A service is one thing, a scam is quite another. Grrrr.

      I know there are phones that are marketed toward kids that just have two or four buttons that you program, like button #1 is Mom, #2 is Dad, #3 is school, #4 is 911. Having something like that on a lanyard is an excellent idea for a senior.

      Aw, Guido, I'm so sorry. :(

    3. Min and gweeds- thanks for info, i didnt know that about life alert. You shld call local tv station and pitch it as consumer affair or elder abuse angle. Gweeds, i lost both parents in about 3 years, but i never felt like an orphan. Please dont you either gweeds, you have all the memories of having had a family. Please let that comfort you. But i know how you feel; suddenly u r adrift. Its tough i know and i send u mucho hugs. ❤️

  19. Definitely a first date to remember ;)
