Friday, February 13, 2015

Deep Thoughts

How superstitious are you?


  1. Replies
    1. I was coming here to comment that very thing! My best friend was afraid she'd start crying during her wedding, so we agreed on that phrase to whisper to her up at the altar to help her keep it together.

  2. I'm only superstitious when it comes to Packers games.

  3. Not very,but I'll touch wood as and when necessary ;)

  4. Saw a funny meme on FB this morning that said
    "I'm not Super Stitious, but I am a Little Stitious..."

  5. You missed LadyH's hyper link Mama...I throw salt over my shoulder and won't talk under a ladder or open an umbrella in the house. Nothing bad will happen if I do however..Just silly stuff.

    1. LOL! Thanks Sherry!
      I don't ususally click on the links unless I'm reading from home, or if I know in advanced what it'll be... with this crowd, not safe to assume all are workplace friendly!

  6. As a former stage actor (don't like the term actress), I don't like to put a hat on a bed, say the true name of "The Scottish Play," whistle in a dressing/green room, or wish someone "good luck" before a performance. I don't throw salt, worry about black cats, I walk under ladders when necessary, don't fret over broken mirrors, etc.

  7. I'm very superstitious for some unknown reason.

  8. I'm at least 50% superstitious. I always knock wood.
