Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Miley Cyrus Does Porn

Miley Cyrus has entered her latest music video into the NYC Porn Film Festival. Considering she considers it porn, be forewarned that it's NSFW:

Remind you of anything? This one is definitely NSFW


  1. Lovely, vertigo inducing.

    Don't bother watching, folks, it's really stupid.

  2. Hillbilly Trash Barbie plays boring S&M dress up. Yaaaaaaaawn.

  3. Wow, that's quite a skill, it takes a lot of effort to bat your eyelashes so intensely. I have more sex appeal in my pinky finger.

  4. Dolphy you nailed it perfectly in your description. And it's nothing like Madonna's Erotica. That was some blurry mess there. Must have taken them a month to shoot that video.

    1. Thanks Sherry! I forgot to add predictable to my description. The fact that MC thinks that she is being soooooo subversive by making this film is laughable.

  5. Oh how original and edgy Miley! Gahh, this girl is a joke. Her voice also annoys the bejeepers out of me, and It's like too much teeth or something when she talks.

  6. Jessi, I imagine she spits all over people when she talks.

    I do like her singing voice though.

  7. I wish they would've kept wrapping that tape all around her head at left it there!!!! Just kidding!! Miley cracks me up how she seems to think so is being so edgy and innovative. Madonna's been there, done that, kiddo!!

  8. I like her singing voice, too, but I'm happy to say I've never heard her speaking voice. Wrecking Ball was just so gross with her naked and grinding up on the chain, I won't watch this bc I don't want PTSD.

    @auntliddy, seriously. I read somewhere that something like 80% of porn stars have some form of physical or sexual abuse in their childhood. Miley tries so damn hard to be sexy and edgy, without being either, it really does make you wonder...

  9. Meh. A lot of young women go through the "So edgy!" stage as if they were the first. It doesn't bother me. I think she'll settle down, find her niche and do alright. I like her singing voice, too.

    Vertigo-inducing movements bother me!

  10. It's looks like she (or someone) just watched the trailer for Knight of Cups and stole some sh*t straight from that for this...whatever this is. There is something about her that makes me feel soooooo f'n icky!
