Thursday, February 12, 2015

Deep Thoughts

How are you celebrating Valentine's Day this year?



  2. Funny, I just asked myself this before I turned on phone to come here.
    All I know so far is I don't enjoy going out that night. Plus we're going to a nice restaurant on Sunday eve for 2 Birthdays.

  3. I'm married for 18 years, so not a darn thing!

  4. My husband is making me a nice dinner and I'm hoping we "do it". Won't take much to convince him on the 2nd part.

  5. I'm not into Vday but my bf is working and I thought I'd make a heart shaped pizza just for fun. For the love of pizza

  6. Well, an ex and I saw Jimmy Webb perform at a jazz club last night. That's the nearest thing to a celebration for me.

    I've loved his music forever. The soul of a troubadour. I was struck by the aching and longing - admittedly from a man's point of view - that reoccur in his work. Even in MacArthur Park there's a plaintive ' after all the loves in my life / you'll still be the one.'

    Guido is a softy.

    So yeah. I screwed up a great thing by choosing to pal around with my buddy Jack Daniels. Ain't no going back. But God bless atonement and forgiveness and being friends in ways that are healthy.

    1. Aww man, I'm teary.

      Recently I've been talking to an ex, I understand the being friends in ways that are healthy.

  7. With tears and vodka! Totally kidding. Probably go out to dinner with some friends or may just stay in and watch a movie. Who knows.

  8. I have a newborn shoot that day. So that's like celebrating love, right?! Bowchickawowwow!

  9. We get heart shaped pizza for dinner & celebrate with the kids, but my hubby & I do NOT celebrate Valentines, never did! We established this upon first dating. Don't spend a bunch of money on dumb stuff to make me feel extra loved one day a year. Make me feel special all year round & we're good! We do make a big to do for the little ones though...

  10. I have no plans and no problems with not having plans.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all the AG-hearts and for those who do have a hot night planned, enjoy yourselves and report back to us later.

  11. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day but steak and lobster go on sale and I'm a sucker for steak and lobster. SO bought me two pounds of lobster tail and I have some sweet grass-fed filet in the freezer, yesss! So supper and a movie, I think Lucy.

  12. We're going out to dinner and maybe a movie. I'm not one for celebrating these things, but Mr. Pink is, so I go along with it.

  13. @Gina Sz. What? It is VD this weekend, it would seem strange if Outtie made no mention of it, don't you think?

    Get over yourself.

  14. We, too, do not celebrate VDay for all the reasons stated above but I did buy some gluten free pancake mix (no gluten for mr wahoo) this week and hid it so I can surprise him with heart shaped pancakes this weekend. He only gets pancakes like once a year so it'll be a nice surprise. Wait... how do I make them heart shaped? {scratches head}

  15. Its my birthday too- just dinner- prob at home so children cannrun free-, dessert, hearts, mailbox for valentines. Oh! And massive amounts of chocolate!!!!!! Among them being m&ms. I invented m& m game for grandchildren. You close your eyes, pick out an m&m and guess the color. If you guess right, you eat it!! If you guess wrong, u eat it so u can try again, lol. Very very popular game. Lol

  16. Never celebrate it,just another Hallmark holiday.Last year was memorable though,brought our new baby home from hospital,awwww!!

  17. Bottle of champagne and one glass!!

  18. When is it? (in other words, nothing that I know of)

  19. We don't really celebrate holidays anymore. Everyday is pretty much just like the other. When we get the chance to go out for dinner we do, or if we buy something special it just happens when it happens.

  20. I have a date with Tony Soprano.

  21. I agree, MeanieR.

    Outtie was gracious to start this site - no need to insult the host.

  22. Simmah down nah, Gina! We've all had shitty Valentine's Days. No need to take it out on the dude who helped free use from the dictator over at CDaN, by creating a better site! Besides, I have to be at a shitty training seminar for work on V Day. If anyone gets to be pissed, it's me!

  23. I love that based on one sentence 3 of you have come to the conclusion that somehow I'm ungrateful to Outtie.

  24. Valentines day is fir everyone!!!! Not just couples!! Love yourself and your friends!!!!! Hugs to all my valentine anarchists!!!!!

  25. It was Big Red's b'day today. I was only just released from hospital so he had to come home to left over Nasi Goreng and paniki. He's having a 4 day burpday, inc VD. so tomorrow night when he finishes work I'm taking him to Lake Wendouree for a picnic dinner of ceviche, rice paper rolls, grilled prawn w herbs and choc ripple cake (aussies know what this is. It's his favourite) & craft beers (I'm driving). I won't make the same mistake i made 2 years ago. I picked him up from work on VD wearing nothing but fishnets, 'come fuck me now' boots, & a coat. Pulled over by cops for RBT then had to get out of car whilst they looked over our old bomb to see if it was roadworthy. V embarrassing. I did stock up on lube (TMI) for tomorrow to see if we can outdo our previous record.
