Monday, March 2, 2015

SNL Father Daughter Ad - Controversial Or Not?


  1. Not controversial that was actually funny, something they would have done in the glory days of SNL where nothing was sacred.

  2. Oh, it's definitely going to be controversial (for those who don't know, it's essentially a re-do of the ad that Toyota did where dad is dropping his daughter off for US military boot camp).

    I think the real controversy should be why an actress whose first real role was in a crappy wanna be porno about a stalker with mommy issues gets to host SNL.

    1. 7-11-i actually found her quite likable.

    2. She was actually cute the other night. I kinda have a little crush on her now.

      Still don't wanna see her shitty movie though.

    3. S of E, the movie wasn't a wannabe porno, I don't think Christian was a stalker, and he suffered horrible abuse as a child.

      Dakota was actually very good.

      And after all that, the movie still sucked.

    4. @califblondy - actually, he was, and a lot of people in the BDSM community are ticked b/c the movie makes out that people who like BDSM only do so because they were molested.

      Fifty Shades of Gilded Cages: The Luxury Branding of Domestic Abuse

  3. I thought it was funny too. If you didnt like it, its your right to say what you want and then move on. Isis is so awful, so impossible to fathom the hate and barbaric acts, that if you didnt laugh a little, we wld go insane. Anyway thats how i look at it.

    1. Well the other part of the joke is these silly young women actually leaving their home countries to join ISIS. Oh I can't wait for the ones that survive and escape to recount their horror stories on how not cool and exciting it is to hang with ISIS.

      And yes the writing in general continues to decline but that I found funny.

      My favourite commercial though is Gilda Radner doing the walk of shame for some perfume ad.

    2. I also thought it was pretty clever, and very sad at the same time. I don't know about the US but here in France young men and women leaving to join ISIS is actually a hot topic.

    3. Oh Tina, mee too!!!! The parfum? hey You!!!!!! Love her hailing cab in morning with evening dress on! Sad but funny.

    4. Sophie- i read about that and its just crazy! And horrible because they have no idea what they're getting into. I wld be light years beyond frantic if one of my teens pulled this! My sypathies to the parents of these girls and boys.

  4. Just the tip of the unfunny SNL iceberg. Couldn't watch entire's too short..but it was definitely the worst of the season..and considering this season, that's scraping the bottom, barrel-wise. I can accept poor taste if it's funny..this wasn't.

  5. Please! The real issue here is that she doesn't even look fresh out of high school.

  6. Humor is subjective: some will find it hilarious, others won't.

    But, man, she really looks like her Dad, doesn't she?? And, I'm not sure that's a good thing on a female. LOL

  7. Lotta..AMEN! I was about to say isn't she like 30 +? I understand it's just a spoof but seriously.And my first thought after that was yes, she looks more like Don than Melanie.
    I thought it was kind of funny.

    1. Sherry- lets face it, they are two very good looking people. Or they were before they jacked up their faces!

  8. My three adjectives for her are: drippy, blah, meh. Which is the type you need for that movie, but it makes her unwatchable elsewhere.

  9. My favourite commercial though is Gilda Radner doing the walk of shame for some perfume ad.

    Is there a link somewhere?
