Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Molly Ringwald Talks Breakfast Club


  1. Is it just me or does her face and speech seem completely different. I always admired how she let herself be shown on film at worst possible angles. Loved this movie and sixteen candles.

  2. My OCD goes into overdrive when watching this movie because of the bad editing in regards to Molly's hair throughout the movie. It's like they didn't even try in some scenes to make her look the same

    1. Why is the "D" Disorder? Surely it should be Order.... ?

  3. The best part of the movie was the Simply Minds heh heh

  4. The Breakfast Club is still one of my favorite 80s movies.

  5. Molly always makes me smile. She's like Drew Barrymore version 1.0

  6. Wow! She's 47 and looks absolutely fab! She's older than Uma Thurman and looks fresh as a daisy rather than stretched eyes with a face shot full of fillers.

    I caught Kill Bill 2 last night and I couldn't believe that Uma was only 34 yrs. old in that flick. Her eyes look SO haggard (granted they are trying pretty hard to kill her in that movie but still).

    I've been watching The Slap and everytime Uma comes on screen I'm amazed at how much she reminds me of Madonna now that she's had her face "done". God I wish celebrities would stop with the face fillers. It NEVER looks natural (you hear me Brad Pitt?). Molly has really aged well for a redhead too. That skin type can go either way. I'd love to see her in a good movie again.
