Friday, March 6, 2015

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by Jennifer Tilly (@jtillathekilla2) on


  1. So are she and the Unabomber dating?

    1. Yes, they've been together for many years now. The talk is that she'll never remarry because she gets a boat load of alimony from her ex-husband (creator/developer of The Simpsons).

    2. I didn't see your comment when I wrote mine!

  2. Phil doesn't look as creepy as he used to

  3. That other gossip site said that she and Seth MacFarlane have this kinky sh*t going on that messes up all of his relationships bc he won't stop with Jennifer. It seems weird to me, but that's Hollywood. Also, Jennifer won't remarry while her ex-husband is still alive bc he's a billionaire and she likey the alimony checks. Poor dude has had terminal cancer for awhile.

  4. Poor dude is an amazing guy and he and Tilly are best of friends. He had her well taken care of dead OR alive.

  5. For some reason after reading her caption, I feel like they should both be wearing the Urban Sombrero (courtesy of the J. Peterman Catalog).

  6. looks like phil has packed on the ponds eh??
    yeah they've been together about 10 years now
    i thought seth liked to screw preggers girls like his ex gf alexis knapp
    ryan phillipe's baby mamma
