Sunday, February 8, 2015

Brian Williams' Self-Imposed Suspension

Brian Williams is taking himself off the air for several days. Page Six reports that Williams is stepping away from NBC Nightly News temporarily, because the fact that he is now news makes delivering the news distracting to the viewers. Lester Holt will fill in while Williams is away.


  1. I've always liked Brian Williams but agree when you've become the news, it's hard to take him seriously. Can't imagine what he was thinking in exaggerating these stories. He has to have known there were people that could dispute his account.

    On the other hand I like Lester Holt even more. I've always wished they would can Lauer and replace him with Lester.

    1. ^ if they did that, I might actually start watching the Today Show again. We watch Lester on Dateline News.

  2. Bill Maher made a great joke by saying that Williams told such big lies, he's been offered a position at Fox News.

    I also love all of the #BrianWilliamsWarStories trending right now, like this goodie:
    @oldpathsguide: “I will never forget the look on the faces of the citizens of Troy when we jumped out of the horse.” #BrianWilliamsWarStories

  3. LOL @LadyH, so true!

    I'm surprised it took this long to come out. I knew when he said he saw bodies floating by his hotel room in the French Quarter that he was full of crap. The French Quarter was not flooded, the bodies would've had to float by on air for him to see them. And he said he got sick from drinking floodwater. Who drinks floodwater that doesn't exist?

  4. 7-11- yeah, and who drinks flood water??!! You hv to know its mixed with human waste and who knows what else! Im surprised he seems to have a pattern of lying. Thought he was truthful dependable guy. I think he's thru as newsman, but he can do other stuff. And I AM IN NO WAY EXCUSING what he said about Katrina but many other fantastical stories were told as well. Well, gotta go now, my old wound from Tet offensive is acting up, lol

    1. Oh and i very like Lester Holt, glad to see him. Wld love if he replaced Matt Douche.

    2. "my old wound from the Tet offensive is acting up"

      BAHAHAHA, that was awesome!

  5. Funny I never watch the new so I have neve heard about all his fantastic stories he claims to have told. Perhaps someone will compiler a book.

  6. Lester Holt is not only a great newsman, he's a pretty fantastic human being, too. Hope he makes that chair his permanently.

  7. Yep just keep Lester there permanently.

  8. I'm praying to God that he will admit that he lied when he said he watched his daughters ass get eaten out on Girls.
    That would make me gain respect for him!

  9. All this stuff about BW really gives me a serious case of the sads :(

  10. Lester Holt is HOT! I'll be watching the news a lot more now ;)

  11. I <3 Lester Holt! The Black Avengers will be watching you Brian!!!

  12. I like Lester Holt a lot. I may start watching the evening news on a regular basis again. Williams always looked smarmy to me.

  13. The Peter Pan thing really annoyed me. We all know nepotism exists in the entertainment business but this was so blatant it was a turnoff. Without Daddy to help her she'll have to do for herself. I wonder how that will work?
