Thursday, January 1, 2015

Outtie Original Blind Item Revealed

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Contrary to her reputation, this A list movie actress is actually nice, and charitable. The actress has a new movie coming out that is family-friendly. She recently held a screening of the new movie for a group of sick children. The actress not only watched the movie with the children, but she got up and spoke before the movie, and stuck around to take photos with everyone who wanted one.

A List Actress: Nicole Kidman

Movie: Paddington


  1. Oh good. I wondered yesterday if Outie was going to have reveals of his/her blinds.

    1. I hope not just the kindness ones though.

    2. hahaha starting the New Year off on a cynical note texas? "I don't want kindness!! It's 2015, dammit!!"
      Happy New Year :)

    3. I find the nonkindness reveals more entertaining. If that makes me cynical then so be it. In any case, Happy New Year Bacon:)

  2. I never thought she was as mean and nasty as kje always made her out to be but you have to take into consideration the years of isolation and brainwashing from co$ not to mention team Tammy buried her after she left him and took her kids and destroyed her reputation in the media.. Hollywood wasn't fooled by Tammy's tactics though and gave her the Oscar soon after..
    Yeah Nicole..

    1. Oh for sure. She never had a bad reputation before she left Tommy Boy, and as you say HWood seem to be on her side (i.e. the Oscar for Moulin Rouge, which lets face it wasn't really deserved). But you can bet that all the bad gossip heard about Nicole comes from COS minions. Those people can hold a grudge. But I like her, and she has been in some damn good movies, but those are usually the smaller indie types like Birth or The Hours.

    2. All you have to do is read Tony Ortega to see how dirty insane Co$ is.

    3. Enty's hate of her is irrational. Nicole is lovely ... aloof / shy, but still lovely. As is Keith (and rumours of his infidelity are just that - he idolises her).

  3. Go Karen!

    KJE always made her out to be a b* with too much botox and constant predictions of divorce and Keith cheating. Didn't they even have a BI about her right around when her dad died? Klassy.

    1. I'm surprised nobody really picked up on KJE's blind about her father dying under somewhat strange circumstances. There are rumours surrounding him being involved in some very dodgy biz which I don't really want to go into, but if you look hard enough the info's out there.

  4. I've always thought that when she's very old or passed some great stories are going to come out about her life. There's too much dirt there.

    1. Not really in all honesty. Her father sure had skeletons in his closet, but Nicole is for the most part boring and predictable. The split from Tom came out of the blue. Her sister's split from her first husband (Angus Hawley) was quite the talking point, but that's about as exciting as it gets.

    2. It is interesting how all the scandal about her father seems to be neatly swept under the rug.

  5. I think part of her problem comes from her cosmetic procedures. She looks pinched and stern. I thought she was beautiful in Dead Calm with her natural face. Hollywood can really screw with women's self-esteem, both those in the business and those of us who have Hollywood's definition of beauty thrown in our faces.

    1. You have to keep in mind that she was only 18 when Dead Calm came out. I haven't had anything done to my face and I look a lot different than I did at 17-18. Then again I thought she looked her very best in Moulin Rouge and Cold Mountain. I've always like Nicole and like the fact that she does some very indie type films not just big name stuff. I loved FUR with RDJ.

  6. I think she's letting her face come back go normal now and she looks great.

  7. Replies
    1. Watched that the other day on one of the Retro stations on the deep cable numbers (Sad that movies from the 90's-early 00's are considered "retro" lol) and she was great in it. The girl that was basically in love with her was great in it, too. I can totally see Juliette Lewis playing that role if they made it in the early 90's.
