Friday, January 2, 2015

Media Take Out Blind Item - Juicy Tea just got some very EXPLOSIVE tea to start out 2014 . . . according to two SEPARATE individuals . . . a popular actor and a once-very-popular rapper appear to be having are having SECRET GAY AFFAIR.

Actually, we can't even call it an affair - cause the two men are now "LIVING TOGETHER" . . . One snitch told, "Them two men are in love . . . it's the craziest thing I ever seen. They go everywhere together - sometimes even holding hands. When I saw them two GROWN MEN holding hands I nearly FELL OUT."

What's strange is that the rapper has a very "family man" image to him.'s snitch explained, "I think it started off as a bromance - but you don't move your bromance into your home. . . . Besides, they go out a lot without [Rappers] wife . . . to romantic dinners and sh*t."

Now we don't have any HARD EVIDENCE that these two are having GAY RELATIONS . . . but sounds like at least Mr Rapper needs to go back to CHURCH and get DELIVERT!!!

Source: MediaTakeOut


  1. Frist of all it's starting out 2015..
    get it right mto!!!
    Will Smith is in here somewhere

    1. Oh okay I think this is Tyrese and Rev Run and his sweet wife who had that Really unfortunate pregnancy a few years back when they had their tv show and their baby girl was born with her organs outside her Lil one..
      they ended up adopting another little girl soon after named her miley. I loved their tv show back then.. Angela and Vanessa were the shit..

      Apparently Tyrese and Rev Run have a book out called Manology.. and they are on a book tour of sorts and put up photos on their ig of them getting Manis and pedis.. if it makes you happy and the wife is cool with it then you do you.. I love his wife she is the sweetest. .

    2. Will Smith getting beat off by Dre?

    3. & Sugar bread, agree!!
      Fun fact, auto correct changed sugar to cougar. Rwar!

    4. Hahah! oui, auto correct owns my ass 90% of the time.

  2. Isn't Run from Run DMC a Rev now? That fits with the go back to church clue...

    1. Jinx Shelly. . I had to type an essay. . I think I started typing 20 minutes ago

  3. Yeah it's Rev Run and Tyrese. They practically hold hands on the red carpet. How does one go from bromance to gay I wonder?

    1. That does seem odd. My best friend and I have been besties for going on 10 years now and neither one of us has ever expressed an interest in exploring the nascent pleasures of sapphic love. Who knows, maybe if the wiring's in place, it just happens naturally.

    2. @Krystie Rachelle - sometimes all it takes is a couple of drinks....LOL!

    3. It's true a few drinks makes the veil to the other side lift, but still. One second your bro'ing out, the next second someone's the bottom bitch? I find it out whenever 2 people are really good friends they are instantly in a relationship. Apparently my whole life has been a lie and I've been a secret lesbian for years!

    4. Just looked up Rev Run and Tyrese, Not happening. That is all.

  4. "Now we don't have any HARD EVIDENCE that these two are having GAY RELATIONS . . . but sounds like at least Mr Rapper needs to go back to CHURCH and get DELIVERT!!!"

    kinda homophobic--no?

    1. It felt kind of racist and homophobic. Maybe pearl clutching enty writes for them too.

    2. Lol media take out run by blacks soooooo

    3. Dereck, yes, and what the hell is 'delivert'?

  5. @derek - yes - sounds homophobic for sure - but I think it is supposed to be a clue to who the Rapper is. (ie. Rev. Run or another guess over at MTO was Mase who was big into church for a minute...)

  6. I'm going to try and be very careful in how I word this - if I goof, I apologize in advance.

    I grew up in a very racially diverse city (deep South) - easily half of my school was black. I'm old enough that I remember an uncle making a nasty racist joke that he thought was high-larious and young enough to be disgusted and wonder why he'd say something like that when he knew my best friend, who had slept over the weekend before, was black (and WTH, he was a minority, too!).

    The church we went to was Southern Baptist. It's really difficult to explain, but in the black community, there is a great emphasis on masculinity and family (some people posit that this is why black men tend to father more children - I'm not an anthropologist, but I do know that Jim Bob Duggard isn't black, so there's that). In the religious black community, double that because most fundamental religions believe homosexuality is a sin. So you have a man steeped in a culture that celebrates manhood, rejects homosexuality, and believes in the transforming power of religious faith - the reaction is, "He needs to go back to church and get delivert!"

    MediaTakeout is an "urban" site (which is basically the modern day way of saying it has a focus on things that people of the black culture would primarily be interested in, like rap, hip-hop, etc., but doesn't cater exclusively to black people), so when they use that term, they're using it the same way one black man calls another black man "my nigga".

    I hope that makes sense and doesn't come out offensively. For the record, I am not white and I'm viciously anti-racism. I grew up alongside and as a peripheral part of that culture, and my own culture has many of the same values that the younger generation is working to change.

    1. I'm from the south and went to So Baptist churches for my formative years. I completely understand what's happening here.

    2. You don't need to tip toe. We all know why Tyler Perry stays DEEP in the closet with his chitin fan base

    3. I'm still in the South and am white, but I really wish we as people would get over all the "ism's" and "obia's". The difference in color of a person's skin the amount of melanin, two men or women living down the street getting married is not going to do a thing to your "traditional" marriage and whether your sex organs are on the outside or the inside plays no part in the kind of person you are. If we are going to judge someone, let's judge them on the kind of person they are, not color, sexuality or sex. If a white person is an irredeemable asshole, call them out for it, the same with any other race. If a gay person acts like an ass or is evil, hate them for the person they are, not who they fall in love or have sex with. Women and men both can be dicks or they can be good people with goodness in them, that doesn't happen because of their chromosomes or sex organs.

      I know it sounds stupid to a lot of people and others will ask why I bothered posting this and proclaiming neat the beginning of being from the South. Well, there are a lot of stereotypes about the South that need to end. Being racist, misogynistic homophobes are the big ones. 99.5% of the people I've ever met here don't fit into any of the stereotypes but they still persist. It makes people seen as "bad" people just because of the area of the country they were born in.

      I hope 2015 brings about the reverse of many of the problems brought about in the last 6-9 months of 2014. I pray that race relations improve, I hope that equality is spread among the whole of the world and it's my dream that two people, no matter the sex of each other, who find love are celebrated for finding it and not crucified because it doesn't fit their view of what the world should be.

      Happy New Year, luv you all.

    4. Thank you Rowdy! and Happy New Year :)

  7. Replies
    1. quido i lke this pairing more and more..

    2. Maybe we should enter them into a bridal registry at Target and Hobby Lobby?

    3. I would love to see their registry. Add Bed Bath & Beyond to the list and I'll use my 20% off coupon to buy them a gift.

      Kirk needs to mellow out and get with the 21st century.

  8. Aw Lawd! MTO blinds!?? If we were to believe thier Tea Beyoncé has had 40 abortions this year alone! There's a reason I stopped going to that site lol!

  9. Maybe they're just close, like in a 'brothers from another mother' kind of way


  10. Honey, if you want to start 2015 off with a modicum of credibility and respect, might I humbly suggest not going down that rabbit hold that is Mediatakeout? I mean come on, not only are they a joke, but you even wrote verbatim their grammar challenged sentences. Not cool

  11. I like the Mase guess for one part of this couple.

    There was a weird, out of the blue discussion about Will Smith by the Atlanta team on "Dish Nation" about why Will Smith did the "Fresh Prince" show. It had something to do with back taxes. Then they went on to discuss the man who played the butler in the show. His real name is Joseph Marcell but they made a big deal that his character was named "Geoffrey Butler" on the show. Just weird.

  12. For the record, I'm black and I hate that website!! Every thread turns into a cauldron of racist nonsense from all sides. Anyway, Rowdy and Seven - eloquently put, both of you.
