Tuesday, December 30, 2014

John Oliver on New Year's Eve


  1. "You absolutely should not spend NYE in a strip club - unless ebola has gone airborne and the only cure is glitter."

    "I'm such a Samantha and women are intimidated by my energy!"


    1. If Ebola has now gone airborne and the only cure is glitter than we now proudly offer Taylor Swift as a cure all.

  2. Could. Not. Agree. More. I wld add another wonderful excuse for a woman- vaginal bleeding. No one wants to hear about it and you will be rushed off yhe phone asap, esp if u start adding details like, all over the floor, stained my new sheets and went thru 3 napkins in an hour. Golden excuse, sorry fellas, you'll hv to come up with your own.

  3. Helps to have kids too, you can blame everything throughout the year on them: no nannies available, they have diahrrea, school activity, grounded so I have to stay with them, they broke my nose, their step grandfather's father died, rushing pet to vet cause the kids lit the tail on fire, it's awesome!

    1. Kids do make a great excuse. LMAO@ "kids lit the tail on fire!

  4. New Year's Eve is overrated, I agree completely. I love JO.
