Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kirstie Alley Back On Jenny Craig

Kirstie Alley recently appeared on the Today Show to talk to Matt Lauer about her 50 pound weight loss. Us Weekly reports that the Fat Actress actress is back on Jenny Craig. The company also acquired Alley's Organic Liaison weight loss line as part of the deal. Sadly, Matt Lauer did not inquire after the whereabouts of Shelly in the interview.


  1. I can't stand that loud, hoody-eyed $cio hooker. She can lose all the weight she wants but the brain matter apparently still won't register on the scale.

  2. Never understood the fuss over her either!

  3. Replies
    1. If you stick to the plan AND buy all their foods, yep. But, once you're no longer buying their foods, and return to real world eating unless you have iron willpower you'll gain it all back and more. Had a friend who spent huge $$$ with them two years ago and lost 30 lbs. She was hungry ALL the time (and broke) during those three months. Gained it all back in less than six months. Decided to get real, went low carb and lost 60 in four months and has kept it off.

    2. OOPS, meant 8 months, not three.

    3. Good for our friend. I still think they rob money

  4. Any diet GETS the weight off. Its the KEEPING it off thats brutal. She says she gets that now. And yes, she is all classes of loud and annoying, esp dropping leah remini when she left nutville, aka cos. And i am still waiting and dying for leahs book, dammit!!!!!

  5. "Organic liaison"? English is not my first language but this just sounds weird.

  6. I saw her on the Today show yesterday and think she lost more than 50lbs. I think she may not want to admit to more because it will then confirm just how heavy she was.

    1. +1
      (I was thinking the same thing about Miranda Lamberts claim of 20 lbs)

  7. I really liked her when she first came up. She was quirky and funny.

    I hope she keeps the weight off, but I just can't with her religion.

  8. None of these diets work...unless you commit the rest of your life to them. As many have pointed out they are very restrictive and many, especially Jenny and Weight Watchers require you to eat their food. Anyone can lose weight being restricted to 1200 calories a day, it doesn't take rocket science to figure that out.

  9. I don't mind her and find her funny, but that CO$ crap she spouts is a real turn off.

  10. Actually the last time I did Jenny Craig (back in the 90's) they had you eating constantly (snacks 4 times a day) and very little of it was their food. I was managing a store and I was looking forward to not having to "fix food" because I was so busy. I swear to god they had you at the grocery store constantly to keep up with all the fresh food and snacks you were eating. I felt like all I did was think about food and eating. I hated it. It's much cheaper to just decide you're gonna eat more raw foods and cut out the fried takeout shit.
