Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Darryl Hall Sues Rose Parade

Darryl Hall appeared at the Rose Parade last year without Oates. Hall is now suing Rural Media Group, which broadcasts his web show "Live From Darryl's House," with the claim that they did not reimburse him for Rose Bowl appearance expenses as promised, which totaled over $87,000. TMZ reported the lawsuit, as well as the fact that Hall lists his credits in the suit. The most surprising part? He lists Maneater fifth!


  1. Replies
    1. Me too. I got to party with them in the 90's, when they came to the casino where I worked.

  2. For some reason, I had to read this item 3 times. No idea why I was initially so utterly confused. I blame the flat white brouhaha. Brewhaha?

  3. Weird, I read that as Daryl Hannah suing the Rose Bowl and wondered if there were dolphins involved.

    And then I read Maneater and thought it was booze (it's Beefeater, right?).

    @Kno, we're having the same day!

    1. 7 omg me to!!! i was like why is she suing!!! wtf

  4. Funny, I am listening to Hall & Oates right now. She's Gone, is my jam!

  5. I saw them play at the college in Columbia, SC and they were awesome. At their height, however, Darryl got pretty stuck up and talked about how most singers weren't as good as him. Prescient Cuz now that is so true. Oh and they did it all live. No backing tracks or auto tune. God I miss good rock and roll. And I can't get a college station A college station will play the best stuff you never hear in commercial radio.

  6. I'm so glad I'm not the only one scratching my head at Daryl Hannah suing the Rose Bowl.

    Must guzzle coffee...

  7. I lurve me some Hall and Oates. The Husband took me out on the town after my baby was born to the Borgata to see them. And we ate at Bobby Flays, which was pretty awesome for a casino restaurant. They put on a fab show. I feel like Daryl has a HUGE chip on his shoulder. Live from Darryl's House is pretty cool. I like how he hangs with other musicians and bounces ideas off of them and whatnot. Out of Touch is my jam.

  8. Saw them a few tomes. They are okay. I loke that he's jamming. If rose bowl committe owes him money, pay up!!!!!!

  9. Loved me some Hall and oates. I used to date a guy who looked just like Daryl Hall. He was a chef. Sara Smile was one of my favorite Hall and Oates songs,

    BTW, the guy I dated that looked like him, it lasted about a month, In the end, I couldnt come between him and the love of his life, which was him.

    It was fun while it lasted though

  10. Live at Daryl's House is awesome. He invites different musicians to come play and enjoy a meal. One of my favorites is Rob Thomas. They had a blast playing each other's music.
