Friday, January 9, 2015

Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein Ads Heavily Photoshopped

Earlier in the week, you found out that Justin Bieber is the new face and body of Calvin Klein underwear. TMZ has obtained the unretouched photos of the campaign, and they look quite a bit different! Who knew that the key to going through puberty was Photoshop? See the unretouched photos here and below.

A video posted by (@breatheheavycom) on


  1. Ha! Right? Kinda love to see the photoshop silliness applied to a male.

  2. Not seeing that much difference. Certainly no more than any other photoshopped picture from any magazine. But why retouch the bulge when all they needed to do was make him wear a cock ring.

    1. Basil I had to watch it a few times focusing on one body part at a time (I know, I hate myself) they made his legs, butt, bulge, arms and shoulders noticeably bigger, shrank his head and added some hair to make him seem less pre pubescent. That's quite a lot of shop. It it's not Britney level but still a lot.

  3. Hahaha, probably stuffed it first and then 'shopped it.

  4. Replies
    1. So his body would seem bigger. You know how they photoshopped them is how Beiber sees himself in the mirror. Poor little boy...

    2. They should have taken his head out all together!!!

    3. It's funny if you just watch his head - big, small, big, small...

  5. I'm not seeing much difference either. He's still a douche.

    1. Okay now on the laptop and watching this little clip.They definitely inflated everything except made his head smaller to accentuate the rest of the body.

  6. The side by side on TMZ is hilarious!! He ages 10 years from the before pic to the after pic!

    1. VIP, meaning he looks 15 in the untouched and 25 in the 'shopped ones right? :-)

  7. Ads and magazine covers are often little more than airbrush paintings, based on the original photograph. Even editorial photos are retouched although it's not supposed to happen, ethically, with photojournalism.

  8. I thought he looked a lot more man sized in these.

  9. They should have hired me---I have plenty of visible pubes---too much actually---I get jealous of guys that cant grow body hair!

  10. Damn that's some excellent contouring! #jealousofthosephotosjopskillz

  11. Oooh! To be a fly in the room when he saw this info and images released, ooh! to see the tantrum! I would've looved to see that!

  12. Also, he looks like he wet himself in that pic (not that I was looking THERE). Poor baby have an accident?

  13. Rofl - I can't, just can't with him

  14. God I would give anything for him to just disappear...can photoshop do that?

  15. He's a repulsive brat, but that photo shopping goes on all the time, he is for sure not the only one.

  16. LOL @wahoowifey, totally agree!

    I can't imagine anyone finding duckface mcdouche hot, let alone an inspiration to buy boxer briefs. If anything, I might ask SO to start wearing briefs because I just can't think about boxer briefs anymore...

  17. Calvin is willing to sacrifice his business to get in the brat's briefs. Smh

    As for the photoshopping, I say, "Good! Let the men try to live up to the photoshopped images and see if they don't get all catty about it."
    I can hear them meowing now. (I apologize to the nice cats for the comparison- And to the men who accept us for ourselves.)

  18. can they photoshop out the douche part of his personality? Until they do that I just don't want to see him.
