Monday, November 24, 2014

TV Show Roundup

The Queen Latifah Show has been cancelled after 2 seasons

Casting News:
William Shatner will be joining the SyFy series Haven for a four-episode arc in 2015

Series Picked Up:
Jenny Mollen, wife of Jason Biggs, will be adapting her best-selling memoir I Like You Just the Way I Am into a comedy series at ABC

Tina Fey's new series, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, has moved from NBC to Netflix. Netflix has picked up the series for two seasons


  1. I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign that Tina's show went to Netflix. I'll be watching though.

    1. Netflix is better. Full two season order. NBC would have cancelled it after episode 4.

  2. NBC said Halt on the comedies cuz they haven't fared well for them lately(per DM I think);
    Damn, I never put together Jason Biggs' wife Jenny is Jenny Mollen the witty screenwriter-didn't even know SHE wrote an Autobiography-how'd they pair up I wonder? good luck to her-tough gig these days.

    1. Rolo did you say that about NBC yesterday? At first it made me sad thinking about how great the Seinfeld/Friends era was, and then I noticed because it was Sunday that I always choose Walking Dead then Homeland and sometimes delete Brooklyn Nine Nine off my dvr without even watching it. Most of what I watch religiously now are dramas. I guess times are changing but I don't know if I like that we're becoming more serious!

    2. Comedies are so badly written these days. It's all poopoo/peepee or vulgar sex jokes. Nothing comes close to the old shows and that's why I can still watch Seinfeld or even Frasier and laugh my butt off.

  3. I just don't buy that NBC wants out of the comedy/sitcom business. I think they sold the show to netflix because they think it's a stinker. Now NBC isn't exactly in tune with what audiences want, so just because they think it's bad doesn't mean it is. However netflix signed the show for two seasons (the first already filmed by NBC and a second season that will be run by netflix) I think it's because netflix sees the potential problems with the show but thinks they can fix it once it's under their creative control. They signed two seasons to tell audiences "don't worry it's not just nbc leftovers, we have faith we can make it a great show so don't give up on it". Also NBC might not have any other comedies debuting mid season but I guarantee they put comedies up fall 2015. So the whole "we are staying away from comedies" will be proven as BS.

    1. There have been shows that networks drop only to get picked up by another channel, sometimes cable and end up more successful.

      In terms of comedy however, the cable channels have the superior writing and no censorship so trying to watch most network comedies I cringe so I don't bother. Tina Fey should be on HBO. I love that Tina wondered why no SNL women got offered a talk show. When Seth Meyers gets turfed, they should consider her but she must might be too busy then.

      What most creators of HBO shows says is HBO does not interfere with the shows - once they give you the greenlight, you are off to the races.

    2. Tina you're right about HBO. Remember it was either the Larry David special or a Curb episode where they were excited to be on HBO so they could say "fuck"?

  4. I do t think Netflix is a step down anymore. They've really proved themselves with original programming. I decided to get it a few months ago because I wanted to watch Ricky Gervais show Derek and omg it is fantastic! And then I binged Orange is the New Black and there are so many after those. I think Netflix is the new thing.

  5. Love Tina, and at least on Netflix the show won't be censored like it would on NBC.

    Can't stand Biggs and can't understand how someone actually agreed to marry him. It's disturbing how he and his wife were actually making jokes about their baby's penis size. So disgusting and inappropriate.

    I really don't think that show will last very long.

    1. Unfortunately the entire first season has already been filmed, with NBC in control so the first season will be censored and held to broadcast standards. That's why I think netflix signed for two seasons without airing the first - they know it's perhaps not living up to its potential while developed by the idiots at NBC, they know they can improve upon it. They want the audience to know that even if the first season is shaky, they have faith in the show and it will get better!

  6. Netflix also picked up Longmire from A&E.

  7. Just finished Jenny's book and it was pretty good. She's a little crass but overall I enjoyed it.
