Monday, November 24, 2014

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by Kyle Newman (@kyle_newman) on


  1. Enty would say its failed marriege. He gay and she cheating

    1. Is he a gay waffler than ??
      hey dragon where you been? ?

  2. It's only a matter of time before she starts a relationship with a D+ list tight rope walker with A list name recognition. Meanwhile, he will be so despondent that he will lose himself in a A & W Root Beer and Skittles haze and stalk Carol Channing - pursuing her down the street shouting "Hello Dolly!".

  3. OT: Rachel McAdams confirmed as lead in True Detective season 2. I love her, so I am happy! Happy with all the acting choices to be honest. Bring it.

  4. I am always by your side too, @sugartits

    A big howdy to the Anarchists and a huger congrats to Outtie for a solid first week! I hope everyone is doing well!

    Only 27ish hours to go, mah boo

    1. no non no!! lady h that's what i tried to tell you in my post that crankypants timed out and wipedout.. soa and homeland are off this week.. thanksgiving and all..
      i will post my spoilers now.. i just wanted you to know
      i hear you

    2. what is giving you such a bad week by the way??
      i asked that in wiped out post
      is your boo getting deported??
      did you lose your job??

    3. Hi Lady! Good to see you darlin',.and I hope all is well.

    4. ****************************warning homeland spoilers ****************

      what the fucking fuck????
      love it.. ok let's dig right in..
      love my col kahn and carrie romeo and juliet style tortured love
      noticed the crow flying in front of the van too.. thought that was a bad omen as well.. you knew it wasn't going to go according to plan..
      i like how paul?? i call him paul from dh at the end finally came clean and told his wife what the isi really wanted to know : how carrie enters/exits the embassy.. "all the marines have left the building?!?!"
      sure paul.. wait till you realize they are coming for you as well to come clean..
      that scene at the end of the terrorists all going through the tunnel gave me chills.. please tell me ambassador woman gets a call to lockheart or quinn in the war room in time to call back some marines to the tunnel..
      the isi blew up the suv in front of carrie and saul btw and am i the only one who thought the phone call from mira detonated bomb?? or was that just a coincidence??

      now you see why i was soooo pissed and didn't want to retype again??
      and this ^^^^ didn't include my soa post.. that's next..hollaback boo

    5. @SM yaaah!!!!i feel so good seeing her here( even if I'm not so much) and you, as always.

    6. ************************warning soa spoilers ahead *************

      poor nero.. he knew never to be gemma's old man.. he knew how they all ended up. there will be no farm.
      i give props to jax for coming clean to the club and trying to keep covering up w/ more lies..i'm surprised juice is still alive.. i wonder if juice will rat out gemma and send gish and unser off to the cabin looking for her.
      i have episode on my dvr i want to rewatch later to see if i missed any more clues..
      i think wendy and jax will end up together
      "take care of our boys"
      when jax was in the room w/ juice and listening to juice tell jax how brutally his maaaaa killed his taaaaarrraaaa.. he was welling up his poor baby blue eyes i wanted to cuddle.. what is it w/ the bad boys w/ blue eyes??

    7. that gif is like if saul berenson were a dog!!!!

    8. Sugartits- I understood. I want to break things whenever I get conflicting edits errors etc
      I always copy long texts on here before I press publish to be safe

      *Paul/Boyd/Moses whatever tha fuuuuck is a total weasel. And he's first on their list probably as he is now a liability.
      *Cant wait to see the CIA trench warfare next week
      *Didnt catch the Mira coincidence. That would be interesting but especially now with the embassy raid, that could copy Blacklist too much. I'll have to see if Redditors came up with anything on that theory yet. Could explain why she wanted Saul alive/returned so badly. But they looked like standard missile like strikes.

  5. Hello there @Tricia

    And thank you both.
    @sugartits- I still have a job thank god. My man is looking for a new position, trying to sell his car etc, so sorting that all out is sucking enough. Then my doggy got very sick. It cost me $1500 to do a bunch of tests at the vet. Ugh. I can't even talk about it because I'll just start crying. He is doing much better now but is a sick old man.

    Just saw your SOA comments so gimme a few. OMG I missed you guys...

    1. where on reddit do they discuss homeland and soa?? link please i never go there but always mean to get over there

      *The only farm Nero will end up on is Old Yeller's
      *Agree. Jax could've tried to kill the witnesses and cover up the fact that he started a war under false pretenses, as you hypothesized last time. That probably wasn't an option, as Lin's crew and the AB now knew Barosky was the rat, which was no surprise.
      *Barosky (Peter Weller) directed this episode, I think.
      *I think Juice is ready to die at this point, I don't see him ratting a third time. His "don't you get it" shpiel suggests how he has accepted this inevitability. That scene was epic. I just hope he don't get some brutal rape murder like in American Me. It will be interesting to see if the inmates or guards kill him.
      *Gemma giving Abel that ring like it's something to be proud of really resonated with me. Yikes.
      *Again, Juice could rat but the cell could also be bugged. They often are unless a lawyer is present because that's inadmissable in most cases. But time is limited. This could go anywhere.
      *So Jax implicates his mom for murder over a cell phone call? Riiiight. Powerful scene anyways.
      *Agree with Jaxendy as a couple. Funny how some get it right the first time...or whatever they deserve?
      *I have to rewatch it tomorrow too. I feel like I missed stuff because I was off my game. I'm dying to see how Sutter prioritizes the great amount of shit he could cover in the very little time left. My guess is Jax will have to somehow sacrifice himself for SOA over killing Jury instead of Barosky but the unpredictability of SOA is both its greatest blessing and curse

      @sugartits- will find reddit links later. It's dinner time, baby!

    3. Hope your dog gets better soon Lady H

    4. Sorry to hear about your man and dog. :(

      But, glad to see you're back.

  6. SM and Lady H and SOA discussion. Happy Day!!!

    1. Yeah tacky fries your are 3 some partner. Better late than pregnant- Blanche Deborough...

  7. Replies
    1. Omg the SOA reddit is fuckin chuuuuuuurch, yo!
      Check out all the JAS-like dudes breaking down how the chessboard could refer to the show. YES


  8. Aww, I'm part of the group!

    Unfortunately, I don't have too much to add tonight. When Jax told Wendy, "you take care of our boys," I wondered if that was the last thing he said to Tara (although I haven't gone back to look).
    Sutter still hasn't addressed "no son is safe," in the nursery with the dead crows. Part of me wonders now if it was a threat from Marks--a threat against Abel and Thomas.
    Also, any thoughts as to what the meaning behind the towns in the mileage sign toward the end (Portenta, Fortuna, Eureka)???

    1. yeah tacky fries.. that's the sauce we need..
      the signs at the end were the signs leading to gemmas cabin she was hiding out at that the preview clips foreshadowed to.

      yes if i remember jax told tara the same thing when he negotiated his deal w/ her in the season finale. when he was sitting in the chair at the motel she was hiding out at.

      lady i will head to reddit in a minute.. watching ferguson fires now and feeding dogs.. need to feed dogs and then head to reddit.. those threads are like a magical forest..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. (Sorry, Tacky clicky malfunction)
    Warning: there is a thread on reddit right now (not the Suits of Woe discussion thread) which supposedly shows the last scene of the finale. I refuse to click!

    1. Ack! No! I hope its just that joke Sutter was circulating!

      great notes dahlin!
      *take care of our boys said to Tara shows just how marginalized, replaceable and expendable the old ladies are. I think you're right
      *I am curious to see if they will cut certain things out (crow, CPS etc) in the last two episodes. They have to get back to that, right? Didn't you come up with the brilliant theory that it could be Abel and Nero? I think Nero may be involved somehow to drag him back into the fold too
      *Apparently, that's a real town sign up El Norte way. But it has been analyzed to shreds in the reddit link above!

      Thanks hun! See you again tomorrow! Vroooom vroooom

  11. [–]notmilesross 247 points 6 days ago
    Diosa. Neighborhood Whore House & Notary Public
    [–]grumpycatabides 9 points 6 days ago
    One-stop shopping.
    [–]desbaratto 7 points 5 days ago
    Wine 'em, dine 'em, notarize 'em?
    [–]theatrelover 4 points 4 days ago
    Whole new meaning to tramp stamp.

    1. Have fun with that SOA reddit

      Just rewatched Homeland. They took out the front car and back car in the convoy. Intentionally didn't hit Carrie's SUV, the cell phone call was probably confirmation of what car they were in. Doesn't mean Mira is involved but that timing was definitely specific.

    2. yes i thought the phone call from mira was the detonator.
      the bomb didn't go off until he answered hello
      don't forget mira's affair with the terrorist from last season that saul covered up
      saul never told her he's a terrorist and maybe she took back w/ him

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. you mean a hot blonde in heels in pakistan stands out?? non??

  12. Get dead thomas out of Gemma's suitcase.

  13. did you dvr new kids on the block 2nite?? boat trip?? tvgn

  14. Interesting with the sign at the end. Portento, Fortuna, Eureka.
    Portent- a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.
    Fortune- chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
    Eureka- used to express triumph on a discovery.
    [–]benjammin515 15 points 5 days ago
    I also think Eureka is where her dads house is

    1. and the most ruthless... I think Abel might become Joffrey.

  15. "First order. Glass of milk."

    "Tig, you're it but you can't find me. OK? I'm the pwesident, I ahways win."

    It's time to do a fucking business.

    Sits at the head of the table with his lunchbox and fork

    1. As long as Nero stopped by from time to time. Each episode he'd have a new "momma".

      They could be his "Cardigan Cuties" of the month.

  16. lady juice will be on the today show in the morning.. set your dvr..

  17. I was looking for the Homeland summary yesterday, just a little too early I guess. My thoughts were fuckity fuckballs!!!!
    And yes I watched that scene twice with the phone call, think it was the detonator. Mira was so adamant to Carrie to let him die, maybe she knew he would be used to kill more peeps.
    Love me some SOA too. Will go to the Reddit threads! Today I actually have no dr appts so can lay here and rest!
