Friday, November 28, 2014

Burt Reynolds Running Out of Money

Burt Reynolds has been struggling financially lately. His Florida home was facing foreclosure, and in a bid to make money, Reynolds is auctioning off some of his most prized possessions. The auction will take place next month at The Palms in Las Vegas, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Among the 600 items up for auction? A football helmet from The Longest Yard, and monogrammed boots from Striptease. He is also auctioning off a number of awards he has received, including his Emmy and Golden Globe. For a full list, and to bid on the items, go here


  1. Cannonball 12 with Will Ferrell and Mark whalberg should bring him some $$$

  2. Burt was the stuff in the 70s and 80s. He should have left his face along and aged gracefully.

  3. He seems a nasty disagreeable person. Ant friends he had are dead, and he sure isnt making any new ones, plus he burned all his bridges. His son has nothing to do with him either, and i guess with age, the whores dry up too. Now im gonna be all judgey judgerson: ya reap what ya sow, baby.

  4. 'Struggling financially',what does that even mean to us peasants?

    1. Struggling financially means you have to sell the wedding stagecoach from a marriage that ended a decade ago.

      Heartbreaking! /sarcasm

    2. The wedding stagecoach?God we're all doomed!

  5. I agree with Liddy. I always got the feeling that Burt was a bad egg, or perhaps became one after an accident during filming gave him TMJ and all sorts of related drug problems.

    Before that, he was dating Diana Shore, and Diana would not have put up with much BS. Frank Langella (who, like Burt, was also much younger than Diana) dated her as well, and said she was a true lady, true class act. I recommend Frank's book to anyone who hasn't read it already.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, and if you notice, they removed the cigarette and the ashtray in later versions. Look at the original - he has a limp ciggie hanging from his lips. Guess they thought that was sexy in 1968.

  7. Dinah Shore used those men as beards. Dinah Shore weekend in Palm Springs is a huge lesbian event.

    I once did a singing telegram for a race car driver (it was NC after all) bought by Burt, Hal Needham and Charlie Daniels. That was when he has friends I suppose.

    1. @Sherry
      That's a trip.
      You must be a good singer!

    2. Yeah, Frank addresses the lesbian rumors in his book. He acknowledges that the golf weekend is a major lesbian destination, but says Dinah was straight. Not much reason for him to lie, because she's been dead for ages now and outing her as gay would probably make her an icon at this point.

  8. Meh

    What goes around, comes around Burt

  9. I feel so bad when actors have to sell their memorabilia to pay bills. I need physical objects to help me remember things. I can't even imagine what a prop from an amazing movie that he acted in would feel like to him.

  10. Maybe he and Scott what's his name from Creed can room together at a Holiday Inn.

  11. Burt lived the life. He had Sally fields butt when it was young and firm still. God bless, bro.

  12. Good. Team Loni. #wkrpforever
