Monday, November 24, 2014

Marion Barry Dies at 78

Marion Barry has passed away at the age of 78. Washington's "Mayor For Life," Barry was elected to the office four times. For more, see the New York Times.


  1. Replies
    1. I can't believe he got elected 4 times and for US' capital city.

    2. Rob ain't lookin so hot, starts another round of Chemo today

  2. Dereck- yup!! I will never understand electing a crack addict mayor.

  3. He was @derek and he lived to 78. Guess drugs arent so bad for you

    1. Just look at Keith Richards for further proof.

  4. RIP, I guess.

    I never liked him. In addition to being a convicted drug user and tax evader who served time in federal prison, wracked up a DUI charge or two, abused his power to give his girlfriend political contracts, he was also a racist who said that black people would start a civil war if gay marriage passed and Asians ran dirty shops. And for all of that goodness, he was deemed "mayor for life". Politics are fun!

  5. I live outside DC and people are just plain CRAZY when it comes to Marion Barry. Some people loved him because they believed that he was good for DC and some people loved him because he was such a screw-up. I feel/felt like Mugatu every time people would praise him. "Am I taking crazy pills?!" The guy was corrupt as hell and only out for himself, but these people truly believed he was fighting for them. And this wasn't just poor people who didn't know any better--I know lots of wealthy DC residents who were in love with the guy and are so sad that he's gone now.

  6. He will be remembered best by his "Bitch set me up" comment, caught on FBI surveillance tape during his crack/graft/etc arrest. The man was loved by those who didn't have enough political savvy (i.e. the people in the ward he represented, most low income/low education) to know he was grafting the hell out of the money they were supposed to receive -- but they still love him. He hated anyone that wasn't black and was caught on tape many times stating his opinions publicly. Hell, he even convinced some political supporter to give him a kidney. The district will be better served with him gone.

  7. "That bitch set me up!"

    @Karen: I know exactly what you're talking about. I worked in DC during some of the madness & was stunned at friends I knew (both black & white) supporting him. I could never understand how people couldn't see through his bullshit.

    Although, I had learned in the 80s just how the political machine worked behind the scenes. And Marion Barry had a powerful PR force behind "the curtain" that kept his popularity numbers up during good & bad times.

    I was too young to know what kind of man Mayor Walter E. Washington truly was. But he was looked like such a kind yet firm man. As I looked back over the destruction that Barry brought to DC, I've often wondered what it would've been like if Mr. Washington had stayed on another term or two.

    1. Yep, I'm also from the DC Metro area. and to say he was worshiped in some districts is an understatement. He could have set his mother on fire and his die hard fans would still be worshiping at the Altar of Marion Barry.

      I don't get it....but RIP "Mayor for Life"

  8. I lived in Chevy Chase at the time of his original bust. I moves into DC just in time to help vote him out.

    Here it is many years later and I brought the family back to visit this weekend. Just in time to be in town when he died.

    Interesting coincidence.

  9. Aw, hell, I thought you meant Mrs. Cunningham!

  10. Marion Barry's popularity defies all logic.
