Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tweet of the Day


  1. Not an insult. I carry anti-bacterial gel in my handbag.

    I'm always amused when a doctor show like Grey's Anatomy shows the doctor sneezing directly into their hands. Um, no.

  2. Yep, the act of shaking hands needs to go away. I hate it.

  3. Such an old joke. He needs to step it up.

  4. Everywhere is germs on everyone. I wldnt be upset and hope they atent either. People do get upset when at their house i wash a so called clean glass before i drink out of it, lololol. If im washing it, why shld they care?

  5. @auntliddy, I think because it implies you think they're dirty or not sanitary enough to wash your own hands/glass/etc.

    Personally, I don't care but I'm kind of a neat freak and it drives me bonkers when there are dishes in the sink (the dishwasher is RIGHT THERE! So is a sponge and a scrubber in the sink!), so someone being neat freakier just makes me neat freakier. :b

  6. I cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink. We always clean up after dinner. Our last roomie would wait til never but she finally got into the groove. She was a pretty good roommate luckily.

    Yeah hand sanitizer should never be an insult. It's smart. If they did it for you they did it after the last person so consider yourself lucky.

  7. I prefer the Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow method of putting your hands together in a praying pose and giving a partial bow. I see absolutely zero reason to shake hands to greet someone, and the double air kiss thing is ridiculous.

  8. Sometimes I'm late to church on purpose because the whole passing the peace thing (everyone shakes hands with everyone) is a slow motion germ-infused nightmare to me. And then I have to sit for an hour thinking more about washing my hands than the message. If I arrive late, no worries. Pass the peace--pass the flu!
