Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Benji Madden Gets Cameron Diaz Tattoo

Benji Madden has expressed his love for wife Cameron Diaz in tattoo form. What do you think of his new ink?

A photo posted by The B-man (@benjaminmadden) on


  1. Silly boy. Now you just gone done ruin it.

  2. So is this the beginning of the end?

  3. Where'd he get it done? I know quite a few tattoo artists who flat out refuse to put a lover's name on people.

  4. Ooooh Benji...why would you go and jinx it like that. You got enough sh*t working against you guys as it is.

  5. Bad move, Homes. You're gonna regret this.

  6. LOL! Universally everyone believes putting your true loves name permanently on your body is the death knell to that relationship. And it is so true. OMG! It's fucking huge!! Takes a while for pics to show up on my phone. Oh man, that is beyond stupid.

  7. It's not only a terrible idea by principle, but the tattoo itself suuuuuuuuucks. Benji is such a douche. He probably pissed off his artist.
    Either that or the Cam-held remote controlled vibrator in his ass kept throwing the poor tattooist off :(

  8. That is one hideous death knell, but the boy already has so much ink on him, he could just turn into an more hideous feather.

  9. Is it just me, but aren't his piercings uneven?

    Never buy the self pierce kit at WalMart, dude.

  10. Oh, yeah. He's not going to regret that. You can't change that to "Wino Forever". Maybe "Camaro".

    1. @Bally - Dammit you beat me to that Camaro line!!!

      When I first looked at it I thought it said Camerson. It looks like garbage with all that other shit he has going on there. It looks like they tattooed her name on top of another tat as a shitty coverup. What a dork!

  11. I dated a tattooist for several years back in the day.
    If I had to guess how'd he'd fix this hot mess, I'd say with flames. Cam's name is inked right above a black and white chest piece of a sacred heart (how original!). Benji could fill the sacred heart in with color, and the fire emanating from it would fit naturally into the piece while still allowing for an effective cover up.

    Besides, most sacred hearts have flames and/or a cross rising from it anyways.

    1. Or you know cover up the "CA" and change the "E" to an O. MORON which is exactly what he looks like :/

  12. Yuk. I dated/was engaged a while back to a guy who has a lot of tattoos and I eventually went from not caring to thinking the ones he had were dumb. And he got one of my lips! Also dumb. I think he got it covered up. Long way of saying I'm just not into that look

  13. Am I the only one who noticed that gold crown near the front of his mouth? Classy, lol.

  14. Yeah, umm, not attractive. And all I could think of was, he can change it to Camaroon or something when they split up. Camaro made me crack up.
