Friday, February 27, 2015

Daily Xtra Canada Blind Item - Gay Icon

Which gay icon secretly doesn’t “get” trans people, which is especially shocking since she’s gay herself?

Source: Daily Xtra


  1. I'm going OT. Leonard Nimoy has passed away.

  2. I'm also going with Rosie. She has no way of being open minded to anything.

  3. Or Gaga. But I think they are the same person, so . . .

  4. Madonna.

    Why r gay people supposed to 'get' trans when over half the planet doesn't 'get' trans?

    Not a well conceived expectation. Bisexuality isn't a gay persons thing either. My gay friends think my bisexual friends r living in a world of denial and my bisexual friends find it easier to talk about their experiences with a systematic straight person.

    I'd say we've all got homework assignments and cut whoever this is some slack.

  5. When I think gay icon, I think cher, midler, liza, Madonna..but don't think they're gay..

  6. Agree with @kelli, it's an icon but not necessarily a gay person. I'd go with Celine and also agree with @Guido.

    1. @7, but the blind says she is gay herself.

      Other than that, I gots nothing! :D

    2. Derp, it does say that. You know who is harassing me right now, my concentration is off. ;b

  7. I think the blind says this person is gay so I say back to either Rosie or Ellen. I saw Rosie going a stand up comedy special just last weekend and just as I thought I like Rosie when she is doing comedy and she had a lot of interesting personal stories to share and it seems to me she mentioned something about transexuals that made me think huh but it didn't stick in my brain more than that

    Might some gay people might think transexuals are gay people who are too cowardly to just come out as gay? As if totally transforming your body is "easier"?

    Because if you think being gay is not a choice why would being gender confused be any less valid given we know that some people are born with ambiguous sex characteristics. It is a little harder to understand for those people born perfectly normal or so it appeared yet have we even scratched the surface on how brain chemistry and hormones all work, an example we would all assume Bruce Jenner was born physically normal but that's an assumption.

    1. Tina, I confess I sometimes feel this way too..Confessing my prejudice here. I don't think it with all transgender but just with one friend I had. I see clear evidence where people DO feel like they're trapped in the wrong body. I'm just not so sure about this one.

  8. I or anyone may not get it, but we dont have to. Just accept it.

  9. I'm thinking gay GAY icon would be Ellen. Rosie wouldn't seem like such a shock since she's so contentious anyway but Ellen seems so nice.

  10. I was thinking Oprah but maybe she isn't a gay icon...

  11. So, just because you are gay, you are supposed to automatically "get" anyone who has an identity issue? That's pretty prejudice ... they are not mutual

  12. I would think if you're gay, that at some point you have run into people who can't wrap their brains around homosexuality. Thus you know how it feels to have your sexuality misunderstood by others. Unfortunately, sexual ignorance comes in all sizes, shapes, colors and flavors. I wish people weren't so frigging uptight about sexual education. It's hard for people to have an informed opinion, when they aren't properly educated on the subject of discussion.

  13. I agree with Auntliddie, we don't have to "get" anything, but as long as the person is treated respectfully this is a non-issue.

  14. A lot of the guesses are of Americans. This is from a Canadian site. So when they say icon, they mean a Canadian icon. I'll toss out one that might sound weird to some... Ann Murray. She popped into my head for some reason when I was reading the blind.

  15. Oprah is a big closeted racist
