Sunday, December 7, 2014

Crazy Days and Nights Blind Item Revealed #2

May 7, 2014

Most of the time a show runner is desperate to get their pilot picked up by a network. This time though, the show runner was hoping it wouldn’t be. After working with the B list mostly television comic actress with A list name recognition on the pilot and all the demands and attitude during filming, no one was looking forward to working with our actress again. Now that the series has been picked up, the show runner is looking to find another job.

Debra Messing

Source: Crazy Days and Nights


  1. Can someone explain to what a "show runner" is? Is it the writer? The producer? What was it previously called? I take it they have zero say in casting.

  2. Wiki got back.

    If I read it right, credits list many people with some form of producer in the title. Cast members can be an executive producer. Writers can be an associate producer. Etc.

    The show runner is the one producer who actually does the duties associated with the title.

    At least that's how I read it.

    Ever been to bank and everyone you work with is a vice president? Titles get meaningless pretty quickly.

    1. Hence my confusion Gweeds. Thanks for the explanation.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, showrunners are executive producers. Even in WGA showrunner description, the chapter subtitle is EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS – THE SHOWRUNNER, and describes the position as basically the executive office manager of a show, reporting to the CEO (studios). They usually have to both writing and directing credits under their belts.

      You are now in charge of pre-production, production, and post-production. In other words, everything.

    2. *Have to have - it's late and I'm wiped. Last night's office Christmas party went waaaaay too long, but it was so much fun and I got a $25 Amazon gift card! \o/

  4. Do they run the next day's script to the cast?

    Run for cronuts?

    For the life of me I'll never get why Debra thinks she's so entitled.

  5. i think the showrunner quit soon after the full season got picked up
    i know as soon as the pilot for heighlhitler's show got picked up her showrunner quit

  6. Ha-Ha - Entertainment Weekly just called Debra's series the worst show of the year.

  7. Can't they just tell her to shut the fuck up when she starts bitching about stuff? This isn't Kate Blanchett or Meryl Streep talent we're talking about here. What is she gonna do quit? If she runs off the writers and or others who are instrumental in making the show work they might as well let her quit.
