Monday, December 8, 2014

Crazy Days and Nights Blind Item #4

This foreign born A list comedian/B list mostly movie actor/A list sleeper with women has been using openly the past few weeks and no one has called him out on it.



  1. The video of when Russel was protesting about low income housing and the reporter asked him how much his house cost was hilarious!

    1. @Kat, I agree. I'm so tired of him being taken seriously as a political thinker.

  2. What a way to be remembered! "I was a comedian, an actor, and a sleeper with women!"

  3. I'm sort of puzzled how he gets women. Not to be crude but perhaps he's orally talented. Not hot IMO and no c*ck, as we know.

    1. Dex, I think he's sexy as hell until he opens his mouth. Then I want to dump qualudes down his throat.

  4. I don't think RB qualifies as mostly movie actor. Although he is not my type at all, I find him quite sexy and would probably sleep with him, even if he talked to me. I've seen a documentary centered on him and his activism for drug policy change and found him to be natural and sincere. Even when one is an idiot (which I don't believe he is), those are very efficient qualities to get women into bed.

    1. Oops sorry never mind. Apparently he has played in a few movies. Hope it's not him.

  5. I used to think he was gorgeous. The sluttyness kinda kills it. I still think he's Pretty witty.
    He IS my type. I like pretty boys, Not the staring at themselves In the gym mirror lifting weights muscle head type, I definitely think he's pretty.

  6. OMG all this time I thought everyone was saying Russell Crowe. Totally Brand.

  7. I'm calling bs on this. Brand is way too unpopular with the conservative media on both sides of the pond to get away with openly using.
