Tuesday, December 9, 2014

GIRLS Releases New Season 4 Trailer


  1. She needs to go away. Dull, ordinary, unoriginal, unfunny, self-absorbed, whiny nothingness. Hate her, hate the show.

    1. You seem a little ambivalent, @Kno.

    2. LOL! I've never understood the accolades this waste of space receives. I've never been even slightly amused or captivated by anything I've seen of her. I feel like there are dozens of her sitting in cubicles outside my office door.
      I don't know a single person in real life who appreciates this awkward dust bunny. But obviously, to each his own. She has a show & I don't. Bully.

    3. 1000000000% agree with you kno

    4. Frankly I don't get it either. And then they did that butt shot with her chunky knock kneed legs in the last scene. I swear her camera man/woman hates her.

  2. Different strokes for different folks. I dont like watching Vampires, zombies, -whatever the f game of thrones is- or meth addicts on tv all day everyday but I do not complain.

    The original trailer for this season of GIRLS was a lot better and funnier

    1. Neither do I. I simply happen to strongly dislike this person and think she's alarmingly overrated. Might not be so alarming, given the national preoccupation with the Kardashians, come to think of it. Same level of "talent" and entitlement.
      I mentioned way back on CDAN that I can't stomach her, I didn't pull it out of my ass to piss anyone off.
      If you enjoy it, I hope this season is great for you.

    2. Well, I couldn't agree more. I have never seen the show. But she makes me absolutely sick.

  3. So this shoews not for you. But I like it there have been a lot of lol moments for me. Maybe I'm awkward and a size 12 & skinny little bitches on tv don't interest me

    1. Uh you're taking it way to personal. I hate Lena with a passion, does it mean I hate people who love her? No. They just mildly annoy me.

  4. LOL Her fans are a bit rabid. Who knew?!

  5. easy tiger I dont see anyone on the attack? *confused* Although comparing a women that writes, directs, acts and produces her own show to a Kardashian is a bit extra though......

  6. I wonder if they will have an episode where she fakes being raped to get attention? Or a molesting her infant sister episode.

    Someone please post the gifs if Allison Williams is naked this season. TY

  7. I happen to be someone who likes her show. : ) Y'all are just haters!! Totally kidding!

    1. We are haters but we like the people here who watch the show. We just don't get it. To each his own of course.

  8. I am just glad that she is there to balance out the KarTra$hians. It's refreshing to see an ordinary and less than beautiful, young woman with multiple talents, who is making it very successfully in a cut throat world. And no I don't watch her show, or the Kraptrashians either.

  9. I fucking looooooooove Girls!!!!!! Do I care what any of them do outside of the show? HELL NO!!!

  10. I like the show and admire her don't give a fuck attitude to things but the stuff with her sister from her books creeps me out a bit

  11. This. Decent show but Dunham has issues.

  12. As a gay man, I feel like I should love Lena D. But I really don't like her that much. I've watched her show and... meh. I'm surprised that there's always so much hype around her. Dif'rent strokes, I guess.
