Friday, February 6, 2015

Bobbi Brown Expecting Child With Wife Alicia

While his daughter Bobbi Kristina is in the hospital, the news has come out that Bobby Brown and his wife Alicia Etheredge are expecting their second child together. Page Six reports that Etheredge is fourth months along. The couple also share son Cassius, 5. This will be Brown's sixth child.


  1. Yeah but what's happening to BK?

  2. I read on Yahoo that he doesn't want to pull the plug...that God will heal BK.

    1. I read last night that they already had pulled it.

  3. Oh gawd, I read that as Bobbi Kristina being pregnant and I swear, my heart dropped.

    I really hope that they don't keep her lingering just so she can pass on the same day as her Mom. That would be too fucked up. :(

    1. But that sorta sounds like something they might do sadly. Morning Meanie.

  4. I know Bobby Brown is upset and I really do feel for him. However I have very strong feelings against letting someone languish in a hospital bed being kept alive by machines. But it's not my choice to make, and I won't throw shade for the choice he is making.

    Who knows if it is even true that he is going to keep her alive? We have been getting all kinds of conflicting information.

    1. It isn't an easy choice to make and I can understand wanting and hoping for a miracle. Looking back, 15 years ago, to when my family had to make the decision, that pain never leaves and you always wonder, "what if?"

  5. yeah, because he has had such sterling sucess raising children. His wife must be off her nut.

  6. Sometimes people need time to accept the reality of what has happened. Look at the people who have been in vegetative states for years. That is not good for the family member or the family still hanging around. I always wonder how people who say they believe in God don't understand that medical intervention not God is the only thing keeping them "alive" and that is not a "life". If you believe in God surely you would want your loved one to let go their mortal coil and ascend into the Kingdom of God- unless you really believe in Hell I guess,

    1. THANK-YOU Tina! It seems to be those who claim to have so much faith that are the least ready to deal with death. Death is just the next journey baby.

  7. Tina- for me, its easy to say what i would or wouldnt so, but if it were my hubby, or my child, or god forbidx a trillion, my grandchild, i may think very differently. I try not to judge.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. wow this family can't seem to get it together

    just read this Billboard headline
    Bobbi Kristina's Family Gets Into Brawl at Atlanta Hotel

    1. Nothing like a good smackdown to help with the grief.

    2. Wha??? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be having a birthday party if my daughter was dying in the hospital. Maybe that's just me, tho'.

    3. Julie - right!?!? If my kid is at death's door, I wouldn't even remember it was my birthday!!!!

  10. I can't even imagine making that decision. It's a very very sad situation. He must be devastated.

    1. Agreed.Regardless of judgments about his life choices,he will be devastated

  11. It's hard to let go. Plus, I read that one of Bobby's friends pulled out of a coma after several days so maybe he's holding out false hope for his baby girl

  12. Since his birthday was the 5th, then I totally understand delaying the decision. In my family, we have a death that occurred on someone else's birthday, and it's very hard to celebrate it while mindful of loss, even years later. Another person passed away on Christmas Day and Christmas every year since is bittersweet at best for the immediate family.

    Also, right now he may be hoping for a miracle, delaying what could very well be inevitable, but if she's not in pain, no harm. If after 2 weeks of no improvement he's still refusing to allow nature to proceed, then I think it's time.
