Monday, December 1, 2014

Scott Stapp Releases More Nutty Videos

Clearly needing help, Scott Stapp of Creed has released two more videos in which he discusses his money issues, the "removal of God from American life" and his revenge on those he feels have wronged him.

"Now the process has officially begun and heads are getting ready to start rolling," says Stapp in one of the videos. "[A]nd individuals who have slandered me and stolen from me and physically threatened me and physically assaulted me are going to start doing their time, getting busted, getting caught."

Stapp was previously placed on a 72-hour hold by police earlier this month, after he was found rambling and wasted on the side of a road. His estranged wife has filed papers in court seeking a 60-day psychiatric hold on Stapp.


  1. Yeesh. Drugs, mental illness and religion. Yikes!

    1. Yep Meanie..Molotov cocktail of WTF right there.
      And I want to know why all the people with psychosis are able to talk to God? No snark there..Truly do they see something the rest of us are unable to see?

    2. Sherry:
      If a voice in your head which is not your own commands you to do things, and you don't believe you are crazy, then that voice "must be" God's. It's denial and rationalization, and people who already interpret things in a religious framework can become particularly convinced that they have been "chosen by God" to spread some message.

      (At least that's what makes sense to me, having watched a college roommate spiral out until she was found in traffic yelling bible verses at cars.)

  2. Get freaking help and stop with the videos already. Get your shit together, in your van down by the river.

  3. Social media really isn't a good idea for sufferers of mental illness.
