Friday, December 5, 2014

Crazy Days and Nights Blind Item #6

Do you think when everyone on the set of your show is telling you to hold off having a baby and frowning when they see you with all of the ovulation tests that they are trying to tell you something about the man you want to be the father of your kids. This A list mostly television actress on a huge network show should listen.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights


  1. Geez, did Kaley steal all of Enty's bacon or something?

  2. I really eff'd up the spelling on her name lol

  3. Why would you take ovulation tests to work? It's not like she can call a break to bang Sweeting in the trailer bc she's ovulating.

    BBT was recently renewed for another three seasons, I think. Hard to see how they'd work Penny's pregnancy into a show about four nerds and a girl.

    1. Three more seasons? Do we really need 3 more?

  4. Even nerds knock up a girl from time to time.

  5. I think it's nobody's damn business, is what I think.
    7 it may be about the time of day you need to take them, stuff like that. That and gossipy nosy co-workers/staff with nothing better to do than talk smack.

  6. Yeah but the sticks are like pregnancy test sticks. Wouldn't you keep them in your purse or your trailer like tampons? Unless she's doing it on purpose, of course, like the engagement ring.

    Totally agree, though, it's none of their business.

    I think it is supposed to be her b/c E checked the Daily Mail and what else could be in that bag Kaley's toting? Of course E knows!

    1. I think you're right about it being able to be hidden or at least kept private, unless the person pees in public (or do they take their temp? Zero idea) then again, with people going in and out of your trailer it may (again) just be someone trying to sell a story and overly invested co-workers who don't want something to rock the cushy income boat. Elaine was able to pull off at least one pregnancy on Seinfeld with proper angles so I don't see it as a filming isue.

  7. kaley nose she's going to have to give up the cocaine right???
    baby or cocaine??

  8. Maybe the cast cares more about their paychecks than her questionable choice of a hubby. Originally a funny show..then they Moonlighted it.

  9. This isn't about a woman trying to have a baby. She's either suspicious and trying to test her coworkers reactions or is a huge drama queen and wants attention and an accessory. This is not someone trying to get pregnant.

    1. Agreed Kat. No sane woman parades around with ovulation tests.

  10. The show used to be a lot funnier than it is now that's for sure.

  11. These people, instead of relying on some secret signals to convey to her hr boyfriends no good, shld sit down and hv rational talk with her about pros and cons, coming from place of caring. A baby warrants this kind of intervening.
