Friday, December 5, 2014

Megan Fox and BAG Hit by Drunk Driver

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green were sideswiped by a Mini Cooper while driving their Range Rover last night, TMZ reports. The couple were near Mulholland Drive when the accident occurred. BAG called the police, the drunk Mini Cooper driver was arrested, and was twice the legal limit. Megan Fox and BAG were unharmed in the incident.


  1. I hope her thumb was unharmed too.

  2. They are lucky the driver stuck around (so was everyone else on the road).
    Glad no one was hurt.

  3. One of my favorite movies. It never leaves my dvr.

  4. Quick, call Shia and get the bots on it!

  5. They have a Range Rover and the DD had a mini cooper...No much damage to their car!

  6. Jesus, that must have been scary. You know, I like to drink. I like to drink a lot. But even before I go out I make arrangements to either have someone drive me, or keep enough money for a fucking cab. It really isn't that hard to do if you plan ahead.
