Friday, December 5, 2014

Mark Wahlberg Wants a Pardon

Remember when Marky Mark beat a man so badly that he is now blind in one eye back in the 80s? Wahlberg does, and he has just filed an application to have his criminal record erased, according to NECN. The application would have to be approved by both the governor and the governor's council. Wahlberg states in the application that the pardon would be an inspiration to the at-risk youth who he helps; to prove that one's life can be turned around. Oh, and his felony conviction is preventing him from obtaining a concessionaire's license at his restaurants. But it's mostly about the at-risk youth.


  1. Did Mark ever pay the guy a cent or apologize?

    1. Thank you kat!!! If he wants his record erased how bout giving the guy he permanently disabled some money for his family. ..while mark lives in a $65 million Beverly Hills crib. The Vietnamese guy probably lives in a shack in Boston. .

    2. I miss the days when the mere mention of Mark Wahlberg would guarantee a day of schooling on the subject by Harry Knuckles :(

  2. Right. Apprx ZERO of those at risk youth he supposedly mentors have a chance of turning their life around quite like Mark has. I'm sure it really is all about the kids.

  3. The inspiration to at risk youth is admitting you did wrong, paying your dues and then turning your life around.

  4. If he can do it then everybody else should be able to do it

  5. And I get it was supposed to be a B-style movie and all, but you would think he'd be asking for a pardon for his performance in The Happening.

  6. I can understand why he would want this expunged. He's matured and (hopefully) a responsible adult. Whether to be an example to at-risk youth or to pursue his own career objectives, both are valid reasons.

    It's too bad that young people don't have more foresight, but that's always been true. The decisions we make in our teens/twenties can stay with us our entire lives.

    1. So can being blind in one eye for the rest of your life

    2. Absolutely. I'm not excusing his behavior at all.

  7. How come he is allowed to enter Canada so easily? I know people with non-violent offenses (really minor crimes) that cant enter the USA .....

    1. He was a minor.. it's on his juvenile record. Which is different than an adult record.

    2. I read he was tried as an adult despite his age. Dunno how that goes down on his record tho.

  8. This is all about $$$$ which is all whalberg cares about. . Read the last sentence. . In Boston he can't get a license to sell his crappy wahhwahhwahh burgers at Boston sports entertainment games because he can't get a concessions license because of his criminal record. .
    Now he wants to be an inspiration to youth..
    when it effects his bottom line..

  9. Yeah Cheese. I think everyone deserves to earn a second chance but I'm pretty sure Mark hasn't done anything for the man.

  10. Marley Mark should ask for a pardon for all the crappy music he made.

  11. Actually, he was 16 but charged as an adult.

    I like's take on it: "My hope is that, by not seeking a pardon, troubled youths will know that their actions have repercussions, even if they later become wealthy celebrities. Although this wonderful country provides plenty of opportunity for them to turn their lives around, they can never use their renown to erase the indelible consequences of their decisions."

  12. If he gets this pardon look for the governor and all on the governors council to go and buy big expensive toys.

  13. You can do something really wrong but if you work hard enough you can make it go away...

  14. KnowWon- That kills me too. How about one of the Kennedy's who wanted his 30+ yr marriage annulled? He had children and grandchildren FFS and the marriage didn't exist? How is paying them any different that COS?

  15. Horse S..T on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a interview in which Mark was asked if he ever apologized to the man for his actions to which Mark replied something to the effect of "I have made peace with what I did and there is no need for me to apologize." The man was brutally assaulted and is blind in one eye. If this happened to one of Mark's kids, would he have the same attitude? So until Mark apologizes and makes restitution - DO NOT GRANT HIM A PARDON. He was guilty. He did do it. How does this qualify for a pardon?????

  16. Annulment cheeses me off. Joe Kennedy Jr's wife (who won a reversal of their annulment) said that first she was told she wasn't a Kennedy b/c the marriage never happened, then she was told Kennedy women don't talk. Which is it?

    And I think it's disrespectful to the children to say their mother, a devout Episcopalian, had two children out of wedlock and lived with a man for 20 years.

  17. He must not be able to find the right man to blow in the judicial system. It seemed to work for him in HW.

  18. Actually anyone can apply for a pardon, criminal records even minor ones can be an issue just travelling across the US/Canada border. Not sure what the criteria is in the US. However in Canada they say there is no such thing as a pardon now, it is called a record suspension, and the feds made the process much harder. It's controversial.

  19. Evidently he attacked two Vietnamese men while yelling racist slurs..should have been a civil rights suit on top of criminal..he was jailed for a few weeks..that's it.

  20. Well he is a celebrity. I thought all celebs could do this once they make it.

  21. Allow him this and his next step will be to ask for all copies of The Happening to be recalled from private ownership so he can be permanently deleted from the film.
