Friday, December 26, 2014

Meet the Teletubbies Laughing Baby

The giggling baby that appeared on The Teletubbies is all grown up! Us Weekly reports that Jess Smith of England, now 19, was the giggling baby sun on the popular children's program. Smith was 9 months old when she filmed her part, and was paid about $400 and a box full of toys.


  1. ahh she is beautiful.

    Middle and baby cherub watched Teletubbies, the oldest was too 'big' for that show (at the ripe old age of 4 LOL) One of my most favorite memories ever, is middle cherub rocking the green teletubbie costume. Just a tot walking around with swagger!

  2. She looks like a sweetheart.

    The only thing I remember about the Teletubbies is those people that freaked out because the purple one (?) carried a purse and was gay. I watched like four minutes of it out of curiosity but my brain was threatening to self-destruct if I didn't turn the TV off.

  3. Good grief that show used to freak me out!!! Thank goodness my kid had zero interest in it!! He sure did love Blue's Clues though!!! (Me too!)

  4. I knew people who watched TT when stoned. They did the same with an aussie children's show, Mulligrubs. Both were weird enough without drugs in my opinion.

  5. $400 and a box of toys ... wow ... that's more than our dog got for being the 'face' of a major dog biscuit brand.
