Monday, December 22, 2014

Downton Abbey for Text Santa


  1. That's the best "Downton Abbey" episode I've seen.

  2. It is the best EVER!!!
    Patsy and Mr Selfridge make it even better!!!
    A must watch!!

  3. That was awesome and I never watch these videos.

  4. I loved this!! The twist at the end of the first one was so awesome, and then Lord Hollywood and selfies!

  5. I loved this so much more than the real downton abbey!!!!
    I ♡♡♡Jeremy Piven the actor but hate JP the actual person. . On camera he is quite funny. . I do love me some Selfridge's..

    Oh George. My George. LORD Hollywood. .
    When he does shine on camera all his stunt queen pr shit is forgiven until the video ends and then I snap back to reality. .

  6. Patsy as the angel is the perfect irony. Patsy is so not an angel, and yet is the perfect angel in this situation.
