Monday, December 22, 2014

Hollywood Refused to Sign George Clooney's Sony Petition

In the wake of the Sony hacking scandal, George Clooney sent around a petition to a large number of entertainment executives so that Hollywood could stand in solidarity around Sony and show to the world that they will not be intimidated. No one would sign the petition. Clooney recently sat down with Deadline to discuss the scandal and Hollywood's response. Clooney's petition is reprinted below:

"On November 24 of this year, Sony Pictures was notified that it was the victim of a cyber attack, the effects of which is the most chilling and devastating of any cyber attack in the history of our country. Personal information including Social Security numbers, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and the full texts of emails of tens of thousands of Sony employees was leaked online in an effort to scare and terrorize these workers. The hackers have made both demands and threats. The demand that Sony halt the release of its upcoming comedy The Interview, a satirical film about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Their threats vary from personal—you better behave wisely—to threatening physical harm—not only you but your family is in danger. North Korea has not claimed credit for the attack but has praised the act, calling it a righteous deed and promising merciless measures if the film is released. Meanwhile the hackers insist in their statement that what they’ve done so far is only a small part of our further plan. This is not just an attack on Sony. It involves every studio, every network, every business and every individual in this country. That is why we fully support Sony’s decision not to submit to these hackers’ demands. We know that to give in to these criminals now will open the door for any group that would threaten freedom of expression, privacy and personal liberty. We hope these hackers are brought to justice but until they are, we will not stand in fear. We will stand together."


  1. George Clooney needs to go away.

  2. Well, Clooney should have no doubt about where he stands in the hierarchy. Regardless of the reasons for the individuals who refused to sign - money, power, fear of exposure, whatever - those reasons trump taking a firm stand against terrorism. All it will do, however, is ensure future attacks.

  3. Man I wish those hackers would have kept it to releasing emails....I can't support this threatening business. But I want more emails!

    They said they would be releasing a Christmas present....I want some Tom Cruise-based emails!

    1. YES!! I'd love to see Scientology come into the picture against North Korea.

    2. Now THAT would be awesome! I'm enjoying the hell out of this hack.

  4. So much for George's political aspirations.

    1. Agreed. If you can't get your so called friends to sign a petition how are you going to get elected?

  5. I am soooo waiting for more dirt on whoever and whatever! I dont support the threats but my gossipy side is so excited for more dirt on people.

  6. I like the Adam Sandler saga. I really think the reason they trash him is that he's a savvy businessman, and has a deal in place benefiting him and the Happy Madison crew. Sony can't push him around and they are pissed.

  7. I at least applaud George for taking the right position. You give into these creeps and their blackmail and it won't end as already witnessed with the last round of threats. China will eventually reign the krazy North Korean leadership as they always do. China is the primary financier of North Korea so while they enjoy it when North Korea is a thorn in the West's side they always shut them down before they go too far. China's biggest fear is Japan getting nukes which could happen if NK goes too far.

    If only there were someway to take out their whole leadership. The military is really the ones in power, as long as the leader has their loyalty they are good unfortunately. I would guess if there are any sane people it would be in the upper echelons of the military. Get rid of that family and maybe there's a chance for the North Korean people to at least a somewhat better life since the military is the one that lives life well, they get the food first whilst millions of North Koreans are starving.

    Or let's send Dennis Rodman over again. Yeah that's the ticket if NK doesn't behave we are going to send over all our D list reality stars.

  8. Oh I see there is now doubt cast upon whether this is the North Korean government per se but smart governments/intelligence agencies use covert ops with plausible deniability/erased trails. I just want to know if there are NK spies on North American soil.

  9. Isn't signing a petition kind of high school-ish?

  10. I also applaud George but the rest of the people are total cowards. This explains why there are no new ideas for movies because everyone is afraid to take a chance.

  11. Clooney probably has his heart in the right place but isn't the brightest star in the heavens.

    Sony made a business decision. The film was terrible to begin with and couldn't be released theatrically due to the threats. They shit canned the movie to collect on the insurance.

    If people want to blame someone, blame the theater chains. Frankly I think they were right: I'm more interested in saving theatergoers' lives than "saving face."

  12. At least he had the balls to do something!

  13. Interesting that the CEO of Sony Entertainment at one time ran Penguin Books which published The Satanic Verses in the U.S. He wasn't CEO it at that time, but in interviews has told how booksellers and other publishers supported Penguin and how different Hollywood react in similar circumstances.

  14. Well The Satanic Verses came out in 1988 just after Reagan was president going into Bush Sr.'s reign of terror. There was no internet, TMZ, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. the world was a completely different place back then and a lot of people had no idea who Rushdie was or what he looked like.

    9/11 hadn't happened, The Murrah Bldg in Oklahoma hadn't been bombed, it was 5 years before Waco and 11 years before Columbine. I don't blame the movie theater owners for canceling the movie. I would have too, you can't blame them - nobody wants another Aurora movie theater shooting, shit that was only 2 years ago this past July.

    What I got out of Clooney and his petition is - this hack is threatening the million $$ bottom line and future earning ability of actors like him. He says this is the greatest threat? What do you call the banking scandal/crash/bailout and real estate foreclosure nightmare? That shit was a hell of a lot more threatening to the world at large as compared to some actors and directors not being able to cash their back end percentage checks.

    Speech over .....

  15. This reminds me of when Rosie O'Donnell said she called up a bunch of her celebrity "friends" and tried to get them to donate money after 9/11. They all said no. I remember her telling a reporter. She was pretty upset about it.

    I don't think anyone in Hollywood is really friends with anyone else when it comes to big issues. They are all for themselves.

  16. interesting that the today sow booted amy adams out of her interview this morning b/c she refused to "play ball" and talk about the sony hack but clint eastwood and bcoop were on friday and they asked them nothing about it. bcoop and amy were both in sony american hustle.. more like nbc is backing anjiho's unbroken which is competing against amy adam's big eye's so they thought they would just manhandle her and dump her interview to help promote anjiho.. shitting on harvey is not a good move today show.. keep your chin up amy.. stay classy san diego

  17. I guess Georgie knows he in the same camp as AngieJo---nowhere.
