Friday, December 26, 2014

Ariana Grande Blames Santa For Bad Boyfriends

Ariana Grande released a new single for Christmas, but the singer revealed to the Daily Mail that she is not a fan of the jolly man. She is quoted as stating the following:
"I'm repulsed by Santa. My song might sound cheerful, but it's really quite sardonic and depressing. I'm like saying, 'Santa, what is your deal, bro?' I've had my heart broken multiple times around this time of year." Why exercise better judgment when you can just blame Santa?


  1. Oh no she did not blame Santa for her man troubles!!!!! Get used to coal in your stocking, girl!!

  2. Always funny when whackjobs can't figure out why their relationships don't work.


    Can someone please make a clicky thing for me.....

  4. Clicky for JoElla - I love the B!

    She seriously called Santa "bro"? I'm repulsed by half-dressed toddlers in tiaras dating Kim Kardashian's clone's ex-boyfriend.

  5. I'd bet money she believes Santa really exists.

    I'd also bet money she claps whenever a waiter brings her pancakes.

    1. Yeah, as she waits impatiently for them in her booster seat!!! After she's been carried in!!! :))

  6. Well, considering Santa is known for bringing toys to kids, is she implying that males are just toys for her to play with? Isn't that the same type of thing Feminists have been calling most men out on by calling them misogynists lately (See any article about "Gamergate" for examples)? Grande is sexist and by the power of the "ist/ism" rule, it also means she is homophobic and a racist, too. It's just the way the rules are, I didn't write them.

    So if you take anything away from this (and hopefully spread it around to ruin that no talent, annoying bitch) Ariana Grande is a racist homophobe that celebrated the death of not only Michael Brown but the two New York cops killed two weeks ago and was siding with North Korea on banning The Interview because it made fun of and portrayed the death of "Dear Precious Leader" (as she calls him) Kim Jong-Un. And those were the least of her evil actions these last few months.

    (I don't mean to offend anyone with this post, it was done in a sense of sarcasm and out of my hatred of this girl)

  7. She should ask St. Nick for a less irritating hairstyle and the ability to enunciate.

  8. I just found out yesterday my 9 year old nephew really and truly still believes in Santa Claus. My sis thinks it is really cute (and so do I) and hopes he stays that innocent a bit longer. But the thing that shocked me is that he has older boy cousins who haven't spilled the beans yet. And presumably none of his schoolmates have either, and you just know there must be one asshole kid who would have said something. So maybe Ariana still believes too. Hell, Santa is more believable than what most adults believe in.

  9. Unless Santa put those boyfriends under your tree he is not to be held responsible broken hearts, relationships falling apart, or the divorce papers he stuck in your stocking.

  10. OĆ²ooh! She's so edgy and hardcore!

  11. If she sang a song about Krampus, then she may have some credibility.
    Also, Satan, Santa. Never seen in the same room at the same time...both wear red...

  12. She's like one of those annoying little flies that buzzes around at night ... one that you lash out trying to swat but just manage to miss, and it comes back with a vengeance - louder and even more annoying. Silly little twerp ... I hope not to hear so much from, or about, her in 2015.

  13. Strangely her dumb, annoying brother seems cool with Santa. That is one weird family.
