Monday, January 19, 2015

Tweet of the Day


  1. If the guy is hot nice and funny.
    "I'd like that! !"
    Don't know this guy but he's not clever or funny. . Must be him who gets rejected
    Swipe left please

  2. Well what else does she say? As usual, this goes over my head.

    1. I suspect he's saying women say something ambiguous like "Sure" or "Okay" or "Yes". No woman ever says "I'd like that" like in the movies.

      As someone who lives in the real world, I also feel gipped. No prince has ever stopped at my door and asked me to try on a glass slipper. It happens in the movies all the time.

    2. Back in the Stone Age when I was dating, I'm pretty sure I said that.
      +1 @karen

  3. I said yes a lot so maybe he smells or acts creepy. He doesn't look bad except for that nasty facial hair. He wore that in the show Whitney (should have been title Shitney) and he always looked like a homeless man. At least shave the next beard. How freakin' lazy are you?

  4. Snarky generalization: "no girl ever"? Yeah, @Karen W nailed it - maybe it's just you, dude. It's like when people say no one likes the nice guy - actually a lot of women do, but keep on reading those pickup artist books that say otherwise.

    1. Let's see if Dude is right. Seven, if I ever happen to be where you are (considering I'm in AR, probably not close or soon lol) would you like to go out?

  5. I feel stupid because I actually think I may have said that before. I didn't realize it was a movie thing.

    1. I think I've also said it, in addition to "That sounds great!" (<--*will there be sex?* in invisible font)

  6. This guy always looks dirty and not in a Keanu Hot way either. He looks like his hair smells and the dude is not funny at all. I'm actually surprised that people go to his comedy shows. He just a few months was on tour and an acquaintance was so excited to see him. I have questioned my friendship with her since discovering that.

  7. Just read his twitter account. Dude isn't funny.

    1. Not even remotely clever either. It's just ...pathetic.
