Friday, January 23, 2015

No Boyfriend For Valentine's Day? There's An App For That

There is a new app called "Invisible Boyfriend" that creates a custom designed fake significant other for you, reports Us Weekly. For the bargain price of $24.99, you get to pick out your perfect man's name, age, photo, and personality. After that, you will receive 100 texts, 10 voicemails, 1 handwritted postcard, and 0 STDs! There are planned upgrades to the app, including sending gifts to your work and delivering flowers on Valentine's Day.


  1. I just got a bunch of texts that said I'm sorry baby it won't happen again.

  2. Someone just shoot me if I ever get that desperate.

  3. Replies
    1. Those are awesome. Worst photoshops ever.

  4. That is bizarre. Who is texting 100 times for $25? Are they automated texts? Does the company have an affiliate system with Babes in Toyland? Do they get a 10% discount on dildos since invisible boyfriends don't have boyfriend parts?

  5. Just me or is this idea completely sexist?

    1. Tickle- nah, men have internet porn, lol

    2. @auntliddy-just felt irked by the idea that someone's implying that women need a man in their orbit on Valentines Day,and if thats not the case it needs rectifying :)

  6. How completely unfair of these people. How dare they forget about all the single men this upcoming V-Day. Dare I say this is even profiling? Where's the invisible girlfriend?!

  7. I heard about this on the radio the other day and some dipshit called in saying you could sign your friends up for it to break up their marriages. Don't know why his head went there but yeah this could cause problems.

    1. That sounds like a couple of my ex husbands friends. They've all been married numerous times. They're a classy bunch.

  8. For an extra fiver can I get a couple dick pics?

  9. Jessi- me too, dont like the needy clingy type. Like Aiden in SATC, man he wld have driven me nuts!!! Always all up in her grill- ugh!!!!

  10. TMZ as Hoda about this one. She too thought it pathetic and sad.

  11. Yes Liddy! Aiden! He was the worst!!! I never understood the love for him, he would have driven me nuts and also he was too damn sensitive for my liking.

  12. Why not just send yourself flowers from a fictitious least you get something for your $

  13. Thanks jessi! Most people are like he was the greatest, and im like he's sucking the air outta her lungs for chrissakes!!!! So glad to find lindred spririt!!!

  14. I send myself flowers & candy so men know I'm desired. ;)

  15. Did you two also vomit when Aidan made that little whimper noise when they kissed? I can't stand him so much that even the Applebee's commercials annoy me lol

  16. Kat- yes!! And when he finally broke thru the wall to her apr, i knew exactly how she felt!! Get the fuck out!!!! Lol

  17. Plus, while we on the yopic, i dont know why she married big, after all the shit he pulled. Getting rid of aiden and the russian i get, but the running back to big? He so cant be trusted- he's a real tool. If they do another movie, it shld be carrie and big divorced because of him screwing around again! Ive git the whole movie in my head- it opens at samanthas funeral, she dies of breast cancer, never told them she was that sick. Makes them all exaimine their lives, and carrie finally realizes big is no good for her and never has been. Is it sad that ive thought this out? Lol

  18. Human connection in the 21st Century. Sad indeed. (meanwhile I'll keep my $ and buy myself fabulous gifts all year long!)

  19. I bet Sharon Osbourn signed Kelly up for a lifetime subscription. This is perfect for the likes of her, Katy Perry, Lea Michelle etc. - you know all those celebrity types that try desperately to hang onto a guy but always end up chasing them away for whatever reason. Or for the ones that are in *cough* "relationships" that don't seem to have any substance. That's my take on it anyway.
