Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. Anyone else playing the new game/app called Trivia Crack? As the title suggests, it's quite addicting. It's a blatant rip-off of Trivial Pursuit and I can't stop playing!

    1. Oh thanks Rose I'll have to check that out...love trivia games. I miss the Qrank app a lot...does anyone remember that one? They just "closed" the app like a couple years ago out of the blue.

    2. I just tried to play. Is there an option to not have to play opponent? It takes forever to wait

  2. Well, tomorrow my little one should get a good behavior award at her school. Should. But because she missed days when her grandmother died, they have to decide if her good behavior still counts.
    I am a very angry mommy.

    1. When things like this happened, my dad used to say the discipline was taken against him. You are being punished for making your little one miss school. What morons. Like your girl decided herself to stay home???

    2. Just to make sure, I am on your side, Snarky.

    3. Thanks! I'm crossing my fingers that she gets her award.

  3. Well…I just had a freaking meltdown at work. Do you know how long it has been that i have been so mad that I cried?!?!! Yep! (I usually don't use this as a form to disclose info like this, but holy shit am I pissed off right now! and thanks in advance for letting me say that!)

    1. I go in a bathroom stall and try to take deep breaths while wiping my eyes so that my mascara won't run. I refuse to let the bastards see me cry. If I'm passed the point of rescue, I make a beeline for my office, throw on my sunglasses, grab my purse and head for home.

      Oh ya, it's never happened to me. LOL.

    2. I would get so angry I'd get physically ill. Probably because I bottle my emotions and rarely cry.

    3. Cheers Mama!! I think I am going to go to the first floor distillery in my building and get me a shot! And Cali, that's exactly what I did, made a bee line to the bathroom, because hell no are they going to see me cry!!!

    4. Take one for me too! (Tequila please!)

    5. Jessi NEVER cry at the office. Do like you did. Walk away and cool off.

    6. @Jessi
      I actually got fairly good at being able to tap into the evening ahead, or the next day, and tell myself I'm going to feel much better in a (in the grand scheme of things) little while. It's hard to imagine, and sometime u don't even want to.
      But soooo many times, once at home that eve, I was capable of a (little) better perspective. No matter how much I thought that in the moment it was the straw that broke my back. Later Id see it wasn't. After so many times, I taught myself to channel to that latter place. It's not perfect, but better than nothing. (I hope).
      Sorry to hear - hope it's a little better even now.

    7. @Jessi, hang in there girl. And as everyone else has so wisely said, it's best not to display the emotions at work for obvious reasons

    8. @Jessi No idea what happened, but sending you this gif in solidarity :)

    9. @Jessi I feel you girl!! My two weeks of work I've gotten several emails from my boss undermining me

      Makes my blood boil - but don't let them win!! Kill them with kindness :D

    10. It's like my brain does not know how to properly process and focus anger, and I always cry when angry. Even/especially when crying is NOT going to help! So I feel for you.

      Coincidently, from the Onion (sorry no clicky): HR Director Reminds Employees That Any Crying Done At Office Must Be Work-Related http://www.theonion.com/articles/hr-director-reminds-employees-that-any-crying-done,37747/

  4. Work Drama for your Mama! Found out our receptionist just gave a whopping week's notice that she is leaving. Boss asked me if I'd like to pick up more hours (currently work M-Th 6 hrs/day while my kids are at school) and in addition to asking me to start work earlier in the day (which means getting inlaws to take kids to school) he also asked me to start working again on Fridays (my day off) as he is hoping not to replace her AT ALL. He hopes to distribute her workload between myself (H/R) & our office manager. WTF? No mention of any extra compensation, just telling me how he bets my family would appreciate the extra hours on the paycheck each week so he wants to give me the first opportunity. Yes please, can I take on more work load & give up my Friday's off so you save the overhead of an entire employee? Leaving two to do the work of 3? Hubby says they are taking advantage & I should say no. Totally stressed as I am the ultimate 'team player' at work, which is why they have the nerve to suggest this, but I don't know that taking one for the team is worth my sanity or my Friday's off. :/

    1. No job is worth your sanity. Hubby is right.

    2. I have every other Friday off and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

    3. @MamaRay
      I've bern but it in that position before, before you know it your the receptionist because your work does or doesn't get done depending on the unpredictabity of the reception desk.
      At same job, when I began it was as s temp. 2 diff bosses wanted to hire me, they decided to split me. ARGH. KIND OF SAME THING. At times, one area suffers due to the others needs and yet you are the one letting the one area down.
      Food for thought. And maybe an angle to discuss with your boss. (Easier said than done, right?)

      I hope it smoothes out.

    4. Why not half day on Friday? It all depends on the pay and your financial situation, as always being the case.
      Even better! Half day Friday and half day Monday! He'll either take it, and you have half day Monday, or he'll just pass and your schedule won't change. Hehehe

    5. Thanks for your thoughts guys! I have been here for 17 years, which is an eternity. We cycle through receptionists about every 4 years or so, but they have always rehired in the past. I used to work full time before having kids, and switched to part time while still maintaining my full time workload so that I could have a schedule that was accomodating to my growing family. Now my youngest is in Kindgergarten so I think they are thinking they can talk me back into full time, but you are correct SYF, then I will be both one of the longest tenured employees, with the lowest position possible on the totem pole. Definitely a step backward. Honestly kind of offended they even asked. We're supposed to sit down tomorrow to discuss...

    6. @Runswithscissors... I did debate offering every other friday... To be honest, we could use the extra $ (which they know) but I'm not taking on more tasks without more compensation. Hubby says to let them know I'll only give up my flexible schedule if it includes a raise & an extra week's vacation. Otherwise tell them they're out of luck. Sorry for monopolizing this post! Just venting.

    7. @Mama Ray What's that saying? Something like "Don't get to good at the little things, or that's all you'll be asked to do." Tell them it's been so long since you've been a receptionist, that you simply don't think you'd be any good at it. If that doesn't convince them, "accidentally" hanging up on a few of the wrong people instead of transferring the call will convince them to hire someone new in no time :)

    8. @VIPblonde Wait a second.. I think that's my daughter's trick to get out of helping out with laundry! LOL!

    9. @Mama, you've been there long enough that asking for a raise to do more of a work load seems quite logical, goodluck!!!

    10. @VIP is spot on, @Mama. Know your worth!!

    11. I'd leave a list of Temp agencies and their numbers on his desk.

  5. Got quarterly business reviews for the next 3 days. Long boring meetings divided by delicious lunches due to yours truly. I never skimp on the food at all.
