Thursday, October 27, 2016

Amber Tamblyn is Pregnant

Signed books for everyone! Page Six reports that Amber Tamblyn, 33, is expecting her first child with husband David Cross, 52. Tamblyn recently announced the news in an essay for Glamour, in which she stated, "Motherhood has been heavily on my mind because I am going to be a mother soon. I’m pregnant, with a daughter on the way. I think constantly about the world I am bringing her into. How much do I have to do, as a daughter and a soon-to-be mother, to change not just the conversation about how women are seen, but the language and conversations are spoken in?” Tamblyn and Cross have been married since 2012.

Here is my latest piece for Glamour. It's personal and important, like this election. "Somewhere between Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton a woman with “tremendous hate in her heart” and “a nasty woman,” I found myself making a phone call to my mother I was hoping I could avoid forever. A story I shared about an encounter with an ex-boyfriend had gone viral, and I feared she would read about it in the news. When I told her, my mother’s reaction was unshockingly unshocked. “You know,” she began, “I have a story of my own I want to share with you.” Go ahead and fill in the blank of my mother’s story. It’s easy, isn’t it? I was at a _____, and a guy ______. I was _____ years old and the father of one of my friends ______. I was at work and my boss __ ___. I was walking down the street and _ ____. I exist, therefore _______is bound to happen. On the phone, my mother ended with a second story. She told her mother what had happened to her, and I’ll bet you can fill in this blank, too. My grandmother’s response to my mother was, “Boys will be boys. You just have to be really careful around them.” This is what has passed for wisdom, what’s been handed down between women for generations. It continues today. It encourages women to take a backseat in their own lives, telling them it’s okay: men know how to drive and know what they’re doing. It tells us to shush, to not make a fuss, to accept the world as it was built for us. It tells us we shouldn’t ask for more than what we are given, from dollar bills to the Bill of Rights. Boys will be boys and girls will be, what? Quiet. Hungry. Subservient. Game. I’ve been thinking about motherhood a lot lately. What it means to be one, what it means to have one, what it means to know one, what it means to make decisions as one and have conversations as one. I am very lucky to be surrounded by strong mothers, from my own mom to some of my best friends—those who are raising young women to accept themselves and those who are raising young men to accept women.Motherhood has been heavily on my mind because I am going to be a mother soon. I'm pregnant, with a daughter on the way..." (article link in bio)
A photo posted by Amber Tamblyn (@amberrosetamblyn) on

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