Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tamara Tattles Blind Item - Hoodwinked And Not By A Twink This Time

This housewife’s inexplicable longevity on a certain show is more complicated than viewers think. Aside from the obvious fact (to all from the south) that she is a FRAUD, it is easy to see that one influential gay man is enamored with someone he may or may not have had contact with prior to his prison stint.

He continues to have  interaction with that man’s son (Son? Aren’t there supposed to be two???) on numerous occasions that go above and beyond what he has done with the multitudes of other spawn on “his” franchises.

But this chick is GOOD.

I heard she wormed her way into her boss’ house! This is unheard of. The OG Very Rich Bitch has never been invited there!

A couple of Yankee housewives have been there, but she is the only one from the show her that boss considers a “monkey act” (quote from those in the know) let in. Somehow misogyny and racism is just written off by black women when it comes to this guy.

My sources say this dude is dying for a Big Three network position as a host. For one thing, there is no Big Three anymore. And he really wants to cohost with his “good friend” but my sources say he will never work in daytime TV. And while he salivates for it, he is BEGGING networks for night-time TV hosting gigs. But he has done himself in according to my sources.

Anyway, this blind is not about him. It’s about the putrid excuse of a mother who successfully wormed her way into her boss’ apartment WHILE UNDER CONSTRUCTION!  I wonder what happened there? Probably something unholy. This bitch is trying to set herself up to be the next Al Sharpton.

And that sort of goal tells us all we need to know.

Expect to see her on next season’s show. Some are dumber than a box of hammers. Not her. But we are laughing at him more than ever in the ATL.

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