Monday, June 6, 2016

Chloe Sevigny Thinks Having Kids Makes You Look Old

Chloe Sevigny recently sat down for an interview with W Magazine. Here's what she had to say:

You don’t age! What do you do for your skin every day?

"I think it’s not having had a baby yet. Because I think the baby wear and tear and stress on your body is part of the reason why people say, 'Why do you still look so young?' I really think that that unfortunately ages women, especially when they have children in their 30’s, not in their 20’s. So I think, first and foremost, it’s that and genetics. And then I’m really into all the things they tell you to do, like moisturizing. I go to Dr. Colbert, who is this fancy dermatologist. I haven’t really gone the Botox route yet, but he does lasers and very expensive facials and stuff like that."

Are you into micro-current or micro-needling treatments?
"No, there’s this one facial, but I can’t remember what it’s called. Is it the ultherapy? No, that’s the crazy one that hurts. I tried that once and it was the most painful experience. I do lots of moisturizing, lots of water. I don’t do a lot of caffeine. But once I hit 40 [Sevigny is 41], I feel like things are starting to happen now that aren’t very exciting, and I’m starting to get a little scared."

And a little more proactive?
"I don’t know that I’m more proactive. I mean, what do you do? Do you let it happen? Or do you start the preventive measures? It’s kind of terrifying. The under-the-eye thing, there really isn’t much to do for that. I also always slept on my side, and now I’m trying to train myself to sleep on my back for these lines [she gestures at her face] and these lines [neck and décolleté]. And with the pillow height, so it’s more with those kinds of things. I mean you’re in bed for what, seven or eight hours a night. That’s a long time! So I’m trying to shift things like that, which are difficult. But it’s hard after 40. Everyone says that once you hit 40. I mean not only that, it’s sort of different things, like the knees."

That they start falling a little bit?
"I think so. I mean I was asking Dr. Colbert, “What can you do? I heard Demi Moore had some sort of knee thing.” [Laughs] And he said, “Oh, don’t be crazy Chloë.” But I’m kind of known for my legs. So it’s kind of a terrifying time, but instead of being scared I’m just trying to enjoy it. Because I have lots of friends in their 50s and they say, “If you’re like that, it’s only going to get worse.” So just being confident in your 40s. It’s a big mental thing. I just got back from Cannes and there is so much emphasis on your looks, and fashion, and all that. I’m trying to have a healthy resolve, and I’m trying not to beat myself up. And I’m trying to do less photo shoots [Laughs]."

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