Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Gossip Life Blind Item - Early Renewal

If you’re a fan of this television show, you may have noticed some strange ongoings regarding its renewal and production. Usually the series is renewed after its release. It’s been the tradition its last couple of seasons, but something changed this year – why? I can confirm it was a conscious decision and I can confirm it was meant as an affront. But why?

The series was originally supposed to run for a certain amount of episodes and a certain amount of seasons. That was the plan. That was always the plan. I even published a blind item that told you the series is set to come to a shocking ending and this’ll be its last season.

What changed?

The network behind the show agreed to the original plan because they were convinced that – by now – they’d have several huge shows available for their audience to eat up and the award shows to nominate. They don’t. They need the show more than they thought they would, so they went back on their word and caused many of the cast and crew dismay, some even quit.

I can tell you this, however, the upcoming season will still have a very shocking ending.

What is the show?

What is the company?

Who quit?

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