Sunday, February 7, 2016

Jennifer Lopez Tells her Beauty Secrets

People recently sat down for an interview with Jennifer Lopez, where they talked to her about her beauty secrets. Lopez is quoted as follows:

“I try to always to get as much sleep as I can so that I can start the day well rested and do my morning meditation and affirmations. It’s no secret that I love dancing, so it doesn’t even feel like exercise to me. I freestyle dance with Tracy Anderson five times a week. We’ll incorporate light weights (3 lbs) for the arms and moves that focus on the butt and thighs and engage the core. I also do circuit training with David Kirsch when I’m in New York. We do hour-long circuits at least three times a week. Its full-body training — so planks, pushups, boxing — really everything. It’s all about changing it up and keeping your body guessing.”

On her skin care:
"Glycolic acid to get that healthy glow and clear skin. I never go to bed without taking my makeup off, [and I use] night creams to keep my skin hydrated. As for daytime, SPF is k-e-y. You have to protect your skin.”

On her diet:
I think drinking lots of water and fresh foods with lots of fruits and vegetables (I keep [them] with me at all time.) all play into the quality of skin’s appearance.” 

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