Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bruce Willis Gets Domestic

M Night Shyamalan recently interviewed Bruce and Emma Willis for Elle Decor. Here are some highlights from their conversation:

N. Night Shyamalan: Are you both big wine drinkers?

Emma Hemming Willis: Well, we do have a wine cellar in our house, so yes, I would say we both love a good Cabernet. We definitely enjoy having a glass in the evenings with dinner; it adds so much to the meal and helps us unwind at the end of a long day. It makes us feel like adults again after a day focused on crafts, school, and toys!

Do you commemorate your careers in your home? Posters, magazine covers — are these things you display?

Emma: We have a storage space that holds most of Bruce’s memorabilia, such as posters and clothing he’s worn in films, even wigs from old movies. The only thing we have around on the shelves are awards, and that’s all my doing. Bruce has some very special awards, of course, and some that are pretty unique. I especially love the Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from the Ministère de la Culture he received in 2013, when we were in Paris.

As for me, I was an MVP softball player back in high school, so I made sure those trophies got their rightful places on the mantelpiece, too! My most recent award is a Women of the Year one for my skin-care line, CocoBaba. I’m pretty proud of that one, and so is my husband — he gave it a prime position on our “award shelf.”

Where do you go to find peace in your house? What’s your Zen zone?

Bruce Willis: With two kids? Not many places to find peace, but my office works. I’ve made it so boring in there that the kids want nothing to do with it.

Emma: Bruce is right, there really isn’t a Zen zone here. We use every room, and the kids venture into each one at some point throughout the day. I converted a cottage we have on our property into my office. That, I suppose, would be my Zen zone, where I can focus and get work done. I have to admit, though, that we thrive off the chaos.

Are electronics banned from certain rooms? Bedroom? Dining room? Or are you both incorrigible social-media addicts?

Bruce: I want nothing to do with social media, so I leave that up to Emma, who’s much savvier in that department than I am. I check e-mails and texts at some point during the day, but that’s the extent of being connected for me.

Emma: Bruce reads the in hard copy every morning, while I read all my news online. I admire Bruce’s anti–social media stance. The fact is, he doesn’t need to use it to promote a thing! I’m in the rat race — I have to promote my business. Plus, on a personal level, I do love sharing some of our sweeter family moments.

Emma, what habit of Bruce’s drives you crazy? Bruce, vice versa? And what habits of each other’s do you appreciate?

Bruce: Emma tends to set lids back on the top of jars and the cap on top of the toothpaste tube instead of twisting them down. Drives me nuts when I go to pick them up and everything spills out.

Emma: I grab from the base and not from the cap, so I find it’s one less thing for me to do when I go to use the item. Screwing things back on is an extra, unnecessary step; it’s time I could use on other things. But I feel I’ve improved in the area greatly because I know what a hot topic this is for Bruce!

Bruce: Emma’s a great organizer. Spring cleaning is her strong suit.

Emma: Bruce is very domesticated. His mother taught him well! He really is great at housekeeping. I mean, granted, we have a housekeeper, Lety, who has been with Bruce for more than 30 years — she is family to us and has helped me so much with our girls; she’s also a big part of Bruce’s older girls’ lives. But he’s very proactive! She’s probably stuck around as long as she has because Bruce really helps keep everything in tip-top condition, which makes her life easier.

Read the full interview at Elle Decor.

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