Monday, October 30, 2017

Beauty Tips from Debra Messing

Will & Grace star Debra Messing recently sat down for an interview with Good Housekeeping. Here's what she had to say:

On doing CoolSculpting:
"Whether or not someone else wants to judge me because I want to go into a dermatologist's office for an hour and have fat frozen off of my body and three months later I can feel a little bit better in a bathing suit — I don't care. I don't care about that judgment. I gave birth. I had a little pouch on my stomach that wouldn't go away. We have hormones. Things happen. Things move. And I'm lazy! I don't wanna do sit-ups for four hours a day. I'm a single mom and I work full-time."

On why she's revealing that she has had some help:

"It's incredibly important to be open about doing things to improve how you feel about yourself. The myth that there are people walking around Hollywood who were born perfect and age perfectly is very dangerous, especially for young girls. I'm not embarrassed at all."

On her trademark red hair:
"I went off to do the first movie I'd ever done, A Walk in the Clouds. But they didn't want to pay for [my hair to be dyed blonde]. So instead of sending me to a fancy salon to have it done, they had the male director's colorist take me into a Motel 7 and stick my head in the bathtub, and she just put bleach on it. The top half of my head was one color and the back half was another. And then she proceeded to alternate and dye different sections — it was bleached 13 times. Then she just put on this crazy neon Titian red and said, 'That's all I can do.' I had been auditioning for a year as a brunette and all of a sudden, when I turned red, I started getting jobs. And that's when I said, 'I'm gonna stay a redhead.'"

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